We have the following corollary of Lemma (3.7).
Corollary 4.1. Let X S be a proper smooth morphism of varieties. Then there
is a spectral sequence
Here, the complex S*
RdR q(X/S) is the one arising from the Gauss-Manin
Proof. Let X*
K' be the Godement resolution of sheaves of abelian groups on
X. The direct image K of K' is a differential graded module for the sheaf
S* of
diferential forms on S. The irrelevant ideal
S>1 induces an ideal theoretic filtration
F on K. Since the morphism X
S is proper and smooth we see that
Furthermore, the d1 differential of this sequence can be identified with the
morphism arising out of the Gauss-Manin connection (see [5]). Now by applying
the lemma (3.7) we have the required spectral sequence.
We have the following corollaries of Theorem (1.1).
Corollary 4.2. The Leray spectral sequence for a proper submersion of smooth
(C) manifolds coincides with the E2-spectral sequence arising out of the
Gauss-Manin local system from Lemma (3.7).
Proof. Let f : X S be a proper submersion of C
-manifolds. Let AX (resp. AS)
be the sheaf of differential forms on X (resp. S). These are sheaves of differential
graded algebras and f*(AX) is in addition a sheaf of differential graded modules
for AS. The irrelevant ideal AS>1 thus gives rise to a filtration F on f*(AX). The
E1 terms for the spectral sequence (2.2) for this complex give us a complex
Now as above we can show that
And the d1 differential can be identified with the morphism arising out of the
Gauss-Manin connection on the vector bundle associated with the local system
Rqf*(X). But then the above complex becomes an exact sequence
Now the sheaves ASp are fine and hence are acyclic for the functor of global sections.
Thus if G denotes the trivial filtration on f*(AX) we have a level-2 (S,.)-acyclic
resolution (f*(AX),G)
(f*(AX),F). We can apply the theorem (1.1) to
conclude that the two E2 spectral sequences coincide by naturality.
The algebro-geometric version of the above uses the regularity of the Gauss-Manin connection [4]. Note that the latter spectral sequence has a purely algebraic construction as in (4.1).
Corollary 4.3. The Leray spectral sequence for a proper submersion of complex algebraic manifolds coincides with the E2-spectral sequence arising out of the Gauss-Manin connection from Lemma (3.7).
Proof. Let f*(AX) be the complex with the natural filtrations as in the proof of the
previous corollary. By the Poincaré lemma we have a quasi-isomorphism X
of complex on X. Thus we have a quasi-isomorphism i : Rf*(
The former is a sheaf of differential graded algebras which is a differential graded
module for
S. Thus we have a filtration on Rf*(
X) induced by the irrelevant
S>1. This makes the above morphism i a morphism of filtered complexes on
S. This gives a morphism of spectral sequences constructed using Lemma (3.7):
By the regularity of the Gauss-Manin system this is an isomorphism. Now we
combine this with the previous corollary to obtain the result.
Corollary 4.4. The Bloch-Ogus spectral sequence for any Poincaré duality theory coincides with the Leray spectral sequence for the morphism from the fine site to the Zariski site.
Proof. We will use the exactness of the Gersten complex as proved by Bloch and Ogus [1]. Let Y denote a fine site associated with a variety X. Let K' be a complex of injective sheaves which computes the cohomology of Y in a suitable Poincaré duality theory. Let K be the resulting complex of sheaves on X obtained by taking direct image. Then for any Zariski open set U in X the global sections K(U) give a complex that computes the cohomology on the fine site associated with U. We have a natural filtration F on K by the codimension of support.
Let Z be a subset of U which is of pure codimension p and W Z be a
subset which is pure of codimension p + 1 in U. Then we have the complexes
KZ(U) = ker(K(U)
K(U - Z) and KW(U) = ker(K(U)
K(U - W)
which compute the cohomology of U with supports in Z and W respectively.
We see that the quotient complex KZ(U)/KW(U) is naturally isomorphic to
KZ-W(U - W) = ker(K(U - W)
K(U - Z)). Now as we take direct limits
over pairs (Z,W) we obtain FpK(U) =
KZ(U) and Fp+1K =
Furthermore, we see that the cohomology of the complex grFpK at the q-th place
is the term
Xp(ix)*Hq(k(x)) which is a flasque sheaf and hence in particular is
(X,.)-acyclic. Thus if G denotes the trivial filtration on K we have a level-2 acyclic
resolution K,G)
(K,F) by applying the result of Bloch and Ogus (loc. cit. ;
Theorem 4.2). Thus we see that the conditions of the theorem (1.1) are satisfied
and the two spectral sequences coincide.