Integrated BS-MS Program


The BS-MS dual degree is the flagship program of all IISERs. At IISER Mohali the program has been structured to promote interdisciplinarity and significant research component. The core part of the program provides comprehensive training in all basic sciences during the first two years. Students are expected to choose a subject to major in for the remaining three years where the curriculum is divided between mandatory courses, subject electives and open electives. Open electives can be taken in any subject and allow students to fashion their own programs. Apart from courses in specific subjects, some inter-disciplinary courses are also offered on a regular basis. These courses are in areas that are useful to multiple branches of science, or are in distinct areas like Astronomy, Earth, Planetary and Environmental sciences, Computational Sciences etc. Courses in humanities and social sciences are also offered. Students have no dearth of choices with more than 60 elecive courses to choose from. The students are expected to work on short research projects during summer vacations, either at IISER Mohali or at research laboratories and institutes elesewhere. Each year several students make use of scholarships to do summer research in other countries. The institute also has a student exchange program with some universities and research institutes in different parts of the world to facilitate visits by bright students. Research by students has already led to a number of publications authored by students, some of these by students themselves. The students spend much of their time during their final year on a research project. The project culminates in a thesis and is expected to contain at least some original work. Some of the projects lead to publications in peer reviewed journals, giving our students an exposure to all stages of a research project at an early stage of their career.

The BS-MS graduates of IISER Mohali are expected to take up science as a career, although the diverse skills gained will equip them to pursue high-profile careers in any field, including education, industry and government.