Dr. K. P. Yogendran
Assistant Professor of Physics
Email: yogendran[at]iisermohali.ac.in
Office: AB2-2F6
Areas of Expertise
- High Energy Physics Theory
- Quantum Aspects of Gravity
- Ph.D. Physics - TIFR, Mumbai, India - 2004
- Assistant Professor of Physics (On deputation from IISER Mohali) - IISER Tirupati, India - (2016-2019)
- Post-doctoral Research Fellow - Helsinki Institute of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland - (2007-2009)
- Post-doctoral Research Fellow - Sogang University, Center for Quantum Spacetime (CQUeST), Seoul, Korea - (2005-2007)
- Post-doctoral Research Fellow - Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI), Allahabad, India - (2004-2005)