We re-prove the main results using the language of derived categories ([6]).
Let C be an abelian category. Let FK denote the category whose objects are pairs (K,F) where K is a cochain complex with terms in C and F is a filtration on K such that K is bounded below and the filtration F is finite on each term of K. Moreover, we assume that the differential on K is compatible with the filtration. The group HomFK((K,F),(L,G)) is the group of morphisms of complexes compatible with the filtration modulo the subgroup of homotopically trival morphisms. We call FK the Homotopy category of filtered complexes in C. One checks that this is a triangulated category.
A morphism f : (K,F) (L,G) in FK is called a filtered quasi-isomorphism if it
induces quasi-isomorphisms grFp(K)
grGp(L) for every p. It is well known that
filtered quasi-isomorphisms form a saturated multiplicatively closed set and hence we can
form the localised category DF with a functor FK
DF which is universal for the
property that all filtered quasi-isomorphisms become isomorphisms under this
In section (3) we defined level-r filtered quasi-isomorphisms and the Dec shift operation on filtrations. The result of ([3]; section 1.3.4) can then be restated as follows:
Lemma B.1 (Deligne). The functor Dec : FK FK carries level-r filtered
quasi-isomorphisms to level-(r - 1) filtered quasi-isomorphisms for all r > 2.
Conversely, if Dec(f) is a level-(r-1) filtered quasi-isomorphism then f is a level-r
filtered quasi-isomorphism.
Let us apply this to the composite functor
By the lemma we see that the set of level-(l + 1) filtered quasi-isomorphims is precisely the set of morphisms that become isomorphisms under the composite. Since Dec is clearly a triangulated functor we can apply the results of [6] to conclude that level-(l + 1) filtered quasi-isomorphisms form a saturated multiplicatively closed set. Hence we can form the quotient category of FK by inverting such morphisms. We denote this category by DFl+1. Note that DF and DF1 are identical.
The operation Bac on filtrations also gives a functor Bac : FKFK which carries
level-r filtered quasi-isomorphmisms to level-r + 1 filtered quasi-isomorphisms. It thus
induces a functor Bac : DFr
Let D denote the derived category of bounded below co-chain complexes
with terms in C. We have natural forgetful functors DFr D by forgetting
the filtrations (note that a level-r filtered quasi-isomorphism is in particular a
quasi-isomorphism of the underlying complexes). We also have for each integer p a
functor grp : DF
D. More generally, for each integer r > 1 and each p we have
Er-1,p,0 : DFr
Let T : CA be a left-exact functor with values in an abelian category A. Moreover,
let us assume that C has sufficiently many injectives. Then we have the hypercohomology
functors RTi : D
A. The spectral sequence for the hypercohomology of a filtered
complex is then
which is naturally associated with any element (K,F) of DF. We can also write the E1 terms as E1p,n-p = RTn(E0,p,n-p(K,F)).
We then construct a level-r spectral sequence for the hypercohomology of a filtered complex
One way to construct such a sequence is as follows. We have a natural spectral sequence
But we use (2.4) to re-write this as an Er spectral sequence by setting
![]() |
is an isomorphism. This gives us the required spectral-sequence which is natural for elements of DFr.