Summary: Author / Co-author of 138 scientific publications (67 Peer-reviewed international journal publications + 4 short letters /comments in international journals + 48 international and 11 national conference papers + 8 Book / Book Chapter/Report Publications)
Scopus citation statistics accessed on 02.11.2022
Author ID: 22136950500
The average number of Citations/journal paper ≥ 40 (Since 2007)
h index ≥ 31
Citation Indices | All | Since 2017 |
Citations | 3569 | 2501 |
h-index | 32 | 27 |
i10-index | 57 | 50 |
Citations per year |
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
Year wise: 2022: 3 2021: 10; 2020: 7; 2019: 4; 2018: 3; 2017: 5; 2016: 4; 2015: 4; 2014: 4; 2013: 2; 2012: 5; 2011: 2; 2010: 2; 2009: 3; 2008: 2; 2007: 2
Impact factor of the peer reviewed journals: Atmos. Chem. Phys = 6.13 (26 Papers); Env Sci Tech = 9.03 (4 Papers); Atmos. Meas. Tech = 4.18 (7 Papers); Int. J. Mass. Spec. = 1.98 (3 Papers); Current Science = 1.1 (3 Papers); Scientific Reports = 4.38 (2 Papers); Environment International = 9.62 (1 Paper); Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres = 4.26 (1 Paper); Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene: 6.05 (2 Papers); Science of the Total Environment = 7.96 (4 Papers); Atmospheric Environment = 4.79 (1 Paper); Environmental Pollution = 8.07 (1 Paper); Chemosphere = 7.08 (3 Papers); Atmospheric Environment: X = 3.63 (2 Papers); Nature = 5.13 (1 Paper); Geophysical Research Letters = 4.72 (1 Paper)
Cumulative impact factor ≥ 351
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