Let us now consider a small region M of space on which it is possible to put coordinates, say (x1, x2, x3). Moreover, any other choice of coordinates, say (y1, y2, y3) is differentiable (to any order) with respect to the given choice, that is to say the yi are differentiable functions of the xi, and vice versa. Then we have the non-singularity of the Jacobian matrix
With respect to the given choice of coordinates (x1, x2, x3) a vector can be represented by a column vector a = (a1, a2, a3)t. A basis for the tangent vector space at all points is given by the standard basis {e1, e2, e3} of . We are also interested in tensor fields, which are sums of terms of the form fi1, i2,..., irei1 ei2 ... eir where fi1, i2,..., ir is a differentiable function. The number r is called the order of the corresponding tensor. A tensor of order 0 is thus just a differentiable function and one of order 1 is a (tangent) vector field.
In another system of coordinates (y1, y2, y3) the vector is given by the column vector J(x, y) . a. This can be extended to tensors in an obvious way. With this understanding we now fix a choice of coordinates and a corresponding representation of tangent vectors as column vectors.
In order to measure the magnitude and angle of velocities we are given a symmetric positive definite bilinear pairing < , > on the tangent space at each point. With respect to a given representation of tangent vectors as column vectors, this is given by a positive definite symmetric matrix (gij)i, j = 1i, j = 3 of functions on the space. Moreover, we further assume that the matrix entries gij are differentiable (to any order) functions of the coordinates. Such a pairing is called a Riemannian metric. Having prescribed this we have a (local) Riemannian manifold.
The pairing < , > also extends to pairing on the various types of tensors by induction on the order. In fact we can pair a tensor of order r with a tensor of order s to obtain a tensor of order | r - s|.
For any vector field V we have learned in vector calculus to compute the gradient (V) with respect to a vector at a point p. We have also learned about the gradient of a function f. These give an example of a derivation; in other words we have the Liebnitz rule
Given a vector field V we can apply the existence theorem for ordinary differential equations to construct a 1-parameter flow on our space M. This satisfies = o and fixes all points. Finally, we have d(p)/dt = V((p)); which is the ordinary differential equation we have solved. For any tensor field A, the following limit exists by differentiability of the quantities involved
While the gradient of a function is independent of a choice of coordinates because of the interpretation as Lie derivative, the gradient of a tensor of order at least 1 is clearly dependent upon the choice of coordinates, thus it is natural to ask for a derivation D that is in some sense ``canonical''. This is provided by the condition that the inner product form < , > has no derivative,
In geometric terms, the usual gradient (A) measures the deviation of A(p + t) from a copy of A(p) moved to the point p + t. However, this motion requires a notion of parallel transport or rigid motion--which may be different for our geometry from the Euclidean one provided by the coordinates; the Riemannian metric provides the correct notion of angles and distances and hence of rigid motion. Thus D provides the ``corrected'' gradient.
Now it is conceivable that there is a choice of coordinates in which the ()'s vanish or simplify. Thus we need to find some way of checking this possibility. Riemann introduced the Riemannian curvature as a measure of this. This was modified by Christoffel who defined the curvature operator as follows. First of all for a vector field V and a tensor field A let us define DV(A)(p) = DV(p)(A). We then define the operator R by
An important result of Cartan and Hadamard (see [3]) states that any Riemannian space M as above with the property that its sectional curvature is constant can be identified with an open subset of either the Euclidean space or Hyperbolic (Bolyai-Lobachevsky) space or Projective space in an isometric way.
We will see in the next section how to apply this to the study of axiomatic geometries.