Up: Axiomatic and Coordinate Geometry
Previous: 5 Conclusion
- 1
E. Artin, Geometric Algebra, Info. Science Publ. Inc., NY, USA, 1957.
- 2
H. S. M. Coxeter, Non-Euclidean geometry, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto,
- 3
N. J. Hicks, Notes on Differential Geometry, Van Nostrand, 1965.
- 4
D. Hilbert, Foundations of Geometry, Open Court, La Salle, Ill., USA,
- 5
O. Veblen and W. Young, Projective Geometry, 2 vols., Ginn and Co.,
Blaisdell, USA, 1965.
Kapil Hari Paranjape