Shortlist for Summer Research Program in ERP

  1. Login to IISERM ERP System with your username and password.


  1. Click on the ‘Summer Internship Selection Process’ and the new page will open.

  2. Make the following selection to view the list of applicants applied in the summer research program 2019.

Admission Year: 2019-2020

Admission Code: Summer Research Program 2019

Subject Applied For: Your subject

Status: select pending from the drop down menu

  1. After theses selections, click on the ‘Fetch Applicants’.

  2. List of applicants will be displayed on the new page as a table with all the details . Here, you can select the applicant one by one or use “Select all” and Click on “Approve” button.

  3. If you want to reject any applicant, select the applicants you wish to reject and click on “Reject” button.

You may select the columns you wish to view by clicking the settings icon (near close button). Select the required columns and click “Update”.

Last modified: Tuesday, 2 April 2019, 5:42 PM