1.Invited talk on "The IISER Mohali Atmospheric Chemistry facility" at the ‘CAIPEEX-Phase III – IGP Campaign Meeting’ organized by Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, August 30, 2013.
2.Invited talk on "Source category specific CCN activation curves based on SEMand AFM single particle analysis from Hill Cap Cloud Thuringia (HCCT) field experiment and the effect of cloud processing on the mixing state of accumulation mode aerosol." Invited talk during the Hill Cap Cloud Thuringia Campaign Meeting 15&16th February 2012, Leipzig, Germany.
3.Invited talk on "Stable sulfur isotopes a powerful tool for tracing the impact of sulfur emissions in the environment and assessing the oxidation pathway of sulfur dioxide" at the Indo-German workshop on Chemical Processes in the Troposphere November 28th-December 2nd 2011 at TERRI University, New Delhi, India.
4."Source category specific CCN activation curves based on SEM and AFM single particle analysis from Hill Cap Cloud Thuringia (HCCT) field experiment and the effect of cloud processing on the mixing state of accumulation mode aerosol: A combined SEM, AFM study during HCCT 2010”, talk presented at theAGU Fall Meeting 2011.
5."High resolution sulfur isotope depth profiling of aged sea salt particles - Understanding the importance of reactions at interfaces as a source of sulfate formation in sea-salt particles", Talk presented at the EGU Meeting 2008.
6.“Ion microprobe analysis: Basic principles, state–of–the–art instruments and recent applications with emphasis on the Geosciences”, Invited lecture during the European Mineralogical Union summer school on “Nanoscopic approaches in earth and planetary sciences”, Munich, 2007.
7.“Sulfur and oxygen isotope analysis of aerosol particles by NanoSIMS”. ACCLINT workshop, PRL Ahmedabad, 2007.
8.“Isotope analysis of individual aerosol particles – a new tool for studying heterogeneous processes”. Talk presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, 2006.
9.“Measurement of Sulfur Isotope Ratios in Micrometer-Sized Samples by NanoSIMS”. SIMS XV, Manchester, 2005.
10.Untersuchungen zur Mobilität der Bayerischen Glockenbecherkultur anhand von Strontiumisotopen-verhältnissen: Grenzen und Möglichkeiten“ (Possibilites and limitations in reconstructing the mobility of Bavarian Bell Beaker Culture using stable strontium isotope ratios), Talk presented at the conference on "Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege", Mannheim, Germany, 2004