Summary: Author / Co-author of 110 scientific publications (43 Peer reviewed international journal  + 65 international/national conference papers + 2 Book Chapter)

Citation statistics as per ISI Web of Knowledge

 Updated on 09/07/2021



 Total number of Citations ≥ 2065

 Average number of Citations/journal paper ≥ 48

 h index ≥ 21

 Impact factor of the peer reviewed journals:

Atmospheric Environment = 3.629 (1 paper), Science = 37.2 (3 Papers), PNAS = 9.66 (1 Paper), Atmos. Chem. Phys = 5.72 (14 Papers), Env Sci Tech = 6.19 (4 Paper), Environmental Microbiology = 3.807 (1 Paper), ChemBioChem = 3.08 (1 Paper), Chemical Geology = 3.34 (1 Paper), Int. J. Mass. Spec. = 1.7 (2 Paper), Applied Surface Science = 3.38 (1 Paper), Resources, Conservation and Recycling: 3.313 (1 paper), Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B = 1.57 (1 Paper), Analytical Chemistry = 6.32 (1 Paper), Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene: 3.52 (2 Paper); Science of the Total Environment = 5.73 (4 Paper); Chemosphere = 5.78(1 Paper), Aerosol Science and Technology = 2.34 (1 Paper), Atmospheric Environment: X = yet to be evaluated


Papers in the list of top 1% highly cited papers on ISI Web of Knowledge

1. Harris, E., Sinha, B., van Pinxteren, D., Tilgner, A., Fomba, K. W., Schneider, J., Roth, A., Gnauk, T., Fahlbusch, B., Mertes, S., Lee, T., Collett, J., Foley, S., Borrmann, S., Hoppe, P.,  and Herrmann, H., Enhanced Role of Transition Metal Ion Catalysis During In-Cloud Oxidation of SO2. Science 340,727-730, 2013.

2. Pöschl, U., Martin, S. T., Sinha, B., Chen, Q., Gunthe, S. S., Huffman, J. A., Borrmann, S., Farmer, D. K., Garland, R. M.,  Helas, G., Jimenez, J. L., King, S. M., Manzi, A., Mikhailov, E., Pauliquevis, T., Petters, M. D., Prenni, A. J., Roldin, P., Rose, D., Schneider, J., Su, H., Zorn, S. R., Artaxo, P. and Andreae,  M. O.: Rainforest aerosols as biogenic nuclei of clouds and precipitation.Science, 329, 1513-1516, 2010.