Pallavi Jangra-PhD Scholar
Pallavi completed her BS-MS dual degree in Mathematics from IISER Mohali in 2015. She joined the group as a PhD student in June 2015.
Her research interests are focused on applications of mathematical models in Atmospheric Sciences. She has also worked on source apportionment studies meant to investigate the major sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) measured at IISER- Mohali.
Pallavi, Sinha, B. and Sinha, V., Source apportionment of volatile organic compounds in the north-west Indo-Gangetic Plain using positive matrix factorisation model, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 15467-15482, 2019.
Sharma, G., Sinha, B., Pallavi, Hakkim, H., Chandra, B. P., Kumar, A. and Sinha, V., Gridded emissions of CO, NOx, SO2, CO2, NH3, HCl, CH4, PM2.5, PM10, BC and NMVOC from open municipal waste burning in India, Environ. Sci. Technol., 53, 9, 4765-4774, 2019.
Chandra, B. P., Sinha, V., Hakkim, H., Kumar, A., Pawar, H., Mishra, A. K., Sharma, G., Pallavi, Garg, S., Ghude, S. D., Chate, D. M, Pithani, P., Kulkarni, R., Jenamani, R. K., and Rajeevan, M., Odd-even traffic rule implementation during winter 2016 in Delhi did not reduce traffic emissions of VOCs, carbon dioxide, methane and carbon monoxide, Current Science, 114, 6, 1318-1325, 2018.
Conference Presentations
Pallavi, and Sinha, B., Source apportionment of volatile organic compounds in the north-west Indo-Gangetic Plain using positive matrix factorisation model, AGU Fall Meeting, abstract A33K-3302, 2018.
Sharma, G., Pallavi, Chandra, B. P., Kumar, A., Hakim, H., and Sinha, B., Missing waste and open burning – an activity and consumption based emission inventory for CO, NOx, SO2, CO2, NH3, CH4, PM2.5, PM10, BC and NMVOCs emissions from domestic waste burning in India, AGU Fall Meeting, abstract A33K-3302, 2018.
Awards and Honours
2018: Received a student travel grant to attend the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 10-14 December 2018 in Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
2010-2015 : Awarded the prestigious INSPIRE fellowship (Department of Science and Technology, India) for pursuing BS-MS.
2014 (May-July):Tata Institute of Fundamental Research - Centre for Applicable Mathematics (TIFR-CAM) Summer Research Fellow, Bangalore.
2004:Child Scientist Award, 12th National Children’s Science Congress, Guwahati.
2003:Child Scientist Award, 11th National Children’s Science Congress, Lucknow.