Gaurav Sharma-PhD Scholar

Gaurav did his B.Sc.(Hons.) in Biomedical Sciences from Bhaskaracharya college of Applied sciences and M.Sc.(Environmental Studies) from University of Delhi in 2011. He joined the group as a PhD student in January 2014.

His area of interest is aerosol chemistry, reactions at the surface of aerosol particle, biogenic aerosols and effects of aerosols on human health. He is also working with solid waste management and role of informal sector in waste management. 



Hakkim, H., Sinha, V., Chandra, B. P., Kumar, A., Mishra, A. K., Sinha, B., Sharma, G., Pawara, H., Sohpaul, B., Ghude, S. D.,  Pithani, P., Kulkarni, R., Jenamani, R. K., Rajeevan, M., Volatile organic compound measurements point to fog-induced biomass burning feedback to air quality in the megacity of Delhi, Science of The Total Environment, 2019.

Sharma, G., Sinha, B., Pallavi, Hakkim, H., Chandra, B. P., Kumar, A. and Sinha, V., Gridded emissions of CO, NOx, SO2, CO2, NH3, HCl, CH4, PM2.5, PM10, BC and NMVOC from open municipal waste burning in India, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2019.

Chandra, B. P., Sinha, V., Hakkim, H., Kumar, A., Pawar, H., Mishra, A. K., Sharma, G., Pallavi, Garg, S., Ghude, S. D., Chate, D. M, Pithani, P., Kulkarni, R., Jenamani, R. K., and Rajeevan, M., Odd-even traffic rule implementation during winter 2016 in Delhi did not reduce traffic emissions of VOCs, carbon dioxide, methane and carbon monoxide, Current Science, 114, 6, 1318-1325, 2018.

Nandy, B., Sharma, G., Garg, S., Kumari, S., George, T., Sunanda, Y., Sinha, B., Recovery of consumer waste in India – A mass flow analysis for paper, plastic and glass and the contribution of households and the informal sector, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 101, 167–181, 2015

Saxena P , Chandra A. ,Garg A. , Sharma G. and Verma P, 2010 ,Conservation of ground water by artificial recharge in Delhi and Haryana state of India – A review, International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology, 1, 989-993, 2010

Conference Contributions

Sinha, V., Sinha, B., Mishra, A. K., Vettikkat, L., Datta, S., Yadav, P.,  Hakkim, H., Kumar, A., Sharma, A., Sharma, G., Singh, A. K., Quantification of BVOC emissions over South Asia for better understanding of Secondary Organic Aerosol and Ozone in urban atmospheric environments, oral presentation at Asian Aerosol Conference, city university of Hong Kong, China, 2019.

Sharma, G., Pallavi, Chandra, B. P., Kumar, A., Hakim, H., and Sinha, B., Missing waste and open burning – an activity and consumption based emission inventory for CO, NOx, SO2, CO2, NH3, CH4, PM2.5, PM10, BC and NMVOCs emissions from domestic waste burning in India, AGU Fall Meeting, abstract A33K-3302, 2018.

Paper presentation on urban air quality and human health (MAFAESE-2011), GJU Hissar

Awards and Honours
Received a student travel grant to attend the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 10-14 December 2018 in Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

Qualified JRF - UGC(NET) in Environmental Science Dec 2014

Qualified UGC(NET) in Environmental Science June 2014
Qualified UGC(NET) in Environmental Science Dec 2012

Qualified UGC(NET) in Environmental Science Dec 2011

Qualified GATE 2011 in Life Science  March 2011
Participated in workshop on "Innvoations in microbial interventions targeting remediation of toxic contaminants" (30 November 2012), IIT Delhi.
Participated in workshop on "Development of botanical pesticides for pest (termite and housefly) control" (17-18 October 2012), IIT Delhi.
Training on "Ground water management, exploration, artificial recharge and rain water harvesting" organized by Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources (26-27 March 2011).
Training on "Usage of stack and ambient air sampling instruments" (7-14 August 2010) at Vayubodhan Upkaran private limited ,Okhla Industrial area, New Delhi.