I have collected here a few talks as PDF files. The relevant
source files are also available.
List of things you can find at this node:
- A talk on Hodge Conjecture for Prym varieties given during
IMSc, Institute Seminar Week 2003. This is based on the joint
work with Indranil Biswas. PDF
- A talk on Reciprocity and the Langlands programme given
during IMSc, Institute Seminar Week 2008. PDF Source
- A talk on the Shlafly Double-Six given during IMSc,
Institute Seminar Week 2008.PDF
Source OGG
- A talk on Version Control.PDF;Source;GIT
- A talk on Generalising Belyi's theorem given at the First
Indo-Brazil Mathematics Symposium, 2008.PDF;Source
- A talk on the work of Gromov given at IIT Kanpur in April
- A talk on Geometry at the KVPY Summer Camp in June
- A talk on Lambda Rings and Witt Rings in January
- A talk on the Lorenz Modular Flow in April 2012.PDF
- A talk on the Pierre Deligne on the occassion of the Abel
Prize 2013 announcement in April 2013.PDF
- A talk on The Topos of Finite Sets and Algebraic
Geometry given at the 28th Annual meeting of the Ramanujan
Mathematical Society. This is based on some notes for a course on Cryptology
that I gave in 2002.PDF
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