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B. Comparison with ``classical'' definition

In order to compare the given definition of schemes with the ``classical'' one, we will prove the following theorem:

Theorem 18   Let f : R$ \to$S be a homomorphism between finitely generated rings so that for every finite ring A, the induced map Hom(S, A)$ \to$Hom(R, A) is a bijection. Then f is an isomorphism.

In the paragraphs below R and S will always denote rings satisfying the conditions of the theorem. We first prove a special case:

Lemma 19   Let f : R$ \to$S be a homomorphism of finite rings so that for every finite ring A the induced map Hom(S, A)$ \to$Hom(R, A) is a bijection. Then f is an isomorphism.

Proof. Taking A = R we see that there is a homomorphism g : S$ \to$R such that the composite gof : R$ \to$S$ \to$R is identity. For any finite ring A, consider the chain of maps

Hom(R, A)$\displaystyle \to$Hom(S, A)$\displaystyle \to$Hom(R, A)

The second map is a bijection by assumption. The composite is the identity and in particular, a bijection. It follows that Hom(R, A)$ \to$Hom(S, A) is a bijection as well. Now, taking A = S we see that we also have a homomorphism h : R$ \to$S so that the composite homomorphism S$ \xrightarrow$gR$ \xrightarrow$hS is the identity. We then have

f = idSof = hogof = hoidR = h

Thus fog = idS and gof = idR, hence f and g are isomorphisms. $ \qedsymbol$

Next, we show that the above condition is ``inherited'' by quotients.

Lemma 20   Let f : R$ \to$S be as above. Let I be an ideal in R, then we obtain a homomorphism R/I$ \to$S/f (I)S. For any finite ring A, the induced map Hom(S/f (I)S, A)$ \to$Hom(R/I, A) is a bijection.

Proof. Consider the diagram

Hom(S, A) $\displaystyle \to$ Hom(R, A)
$\displaystyle \uparrow$   $\displaystyle \uparrow$
Hom(S/f (I)S, A)   Hom(R/I, A)

The top row is a bijection. Let g : S/f (I)S$ \to$A be any element in the bottom left corner then the corresponding element h : S$ \to$A in the top left corner satisfies h(f (I)S) = 0. Thus hof : R$ \to$A satisfies hof (I) = 0. Thus it factors through a homomorphism e : R/I$ \to$A. Thus we see that the elements in the bottom left corner are mapped to elements in the bottom right corner. Conversely, let g : R/I$ \to$A be an element in the bottom right corner and h : R$ \to$A be its image in the top right corner; then h(I) = 0. By assumption there is a homomorphism e : S$ \to$A such that h = eof. It follows e(f (I)) = 0 and thus e(f (I)S) = 0. Thus e factors through an element d : S/f (I)S$ \to$A in the bottom left corner. In other words we have a bijection Hom(S/f (I)S, A)$ \to$Hom(R/I, A). $ \qedsymbol$

Combining the above two lemmas we see that if I is any ideal in R such that R/I and S/f (I)S are finite, then the map R/I$ \to$S/f (I)S is an isomorphism. We will now show that if R/I is finite then S/f (I)S is ``automatically'' finite as well.

Lemma 21   Let f : R$ \to$S be as in the theorem. For any maximal ideal m in R, the ideal f (m)S in S also a maximal ideal.

Proof. Since R is finitely generated R/m is a finite field by Hilbert's Nullstellensatz. Thus Hom(S, R/m)$ \to$Hom(R, R/m) is a bijection and so the homomorphism R$ \to$R/m must factor through S; moreover, this factorisation is unique. Let n be the kernel of this factorisation. Then n is a maximal ideal containing f (m)S such that R/m$ \to$S/n is an isomorphism. Now, let n' be any maximal ideal in S containing f (m)S. Then, the composite R$ \to$S$ \to$S/n' factors through R/m. Thus, S/n' is a finite field extension of R/m. If this extension has degree > 1 then if q is the cardinality of R/m, the map x $ \mapsto$ xq is a non-trivial automorphism of S/n' which is identity on R/m. Thus we obtain two maps S$ \to$S/n' which restrict to the same map R$ \to$S/n' contradicting the hypothesis. Thus R/m$ \to$S/n' is an isomorphism. But then this isomorphism gives a map S$ \to$R/m which restricts to the natural map R$ \to$R/m; there is a unique such map by hypothesis. Since that map has kernel n, we see that n' = n.

In other words, we see that f (m)S is contained in a unique maximal ideal n in S. Thus S/f (m)S is an Artinian ring. By the earlier discussion we see that R/m$ \to$S/f (m)S is an isomorphism. In other words f (m)S = n is a maximal ideal for every maximal ideal m in R. Conversely, if n is any maximal ideal in S, then f-1(n) = m is the kernel of the composite R$ \to$S$ \to$S/n which is a map to a finite field; hence m is a maximal ideal. It follows that every maximal ideal in S is of the form f (m)S for a maximal ideal m in R. $ \qedsymbol$

Now, if I is any ideal such that R/I is finite then there are finitely many maximal ideals m1, ..., mk and positive integers r1, ..., rk such that I $ \supset$ m1r1 . m2r2 ... mkrk. As seen above ni = f (mi)S is a maximal ideal. The relations

f (I)S $\displaystyle \supset$ f (m1r1 ... mkrk)S = n1r1 ... nkrk

shows that the ring S/f (I)S is finite as well. It follows that for any ideal I such that R/I is finite, the map R/I$ \to$S/f (I)S is an isomorphism.

On the other hand suppose J is any ideal in S such that S/J is finite and let I = f-1(J); then R/I is a subring of S/J and thus also finite. We have seen above that this implies that R/I$ \to$S/f (I)S is an isomorphism. But the inverse image of J/f (I)S under this is the zero ideal in R/I. Thus we have J = f (I)S. To summarise,

Lemma 22   Let f : R$ \to$S be as in the conditions of the theorem. The map I $ \mapsto$ f (I)S is a one-one correspondence between ideals of finite index in R and ideals of finite index in S. The map J $ \mapsto$ f-1(J) is the inverse correspondence from ideals J in S to ideals in R. Moreover, the natural homomorphism R/I$ \to$S/f (I)S is an isomorphism for such ideals.

Thus the original condition has been re-stated intrinsically in terms of ideals. Next we wish to prove that the given homomorphism is ``closed''. That is to say given a prime ideal Q in S, let m be a maximal ideal in R that contains the prime ideal P = f-1(Q). We wish to prove that there is a maximal ideal n in S which contains Q and satisfies f-1(n) = m. To do this we can restrict our attention to R/P$ \to$S/f (Q)S. Since f-1(f (P)S) $ \subset$ f-1(Q) = P, the latter homomorphism is also injective.

Lemma 23   Let f : R$ \to$S be an injective homomorphism of finitely generated rings with R a domain. We have a factoring of f as follows

R$\displaystyle \to$R[X1,..., Xa] = R1$\displaystyle \to$R1[t1,..., tb] = R2$\displaystyle \to$S

  1. R1 is a polynomial ring over R.
  2. There is a non-zero element r of R1 such that for each i, the element rti $ \in$ R2 satisfies a monic polynomial over R1. Other than this relation there are no further relations among the ti in R2.
  3. R2$ \to$S is the quotient by an ideal that intersects R1 in the zero ideal.

Proof. Since S is finitely generated we can choose a maximal collection of elements X1, ..., Xa of S that are algebraically independent over (the quotient field of) R. Then R1 = R[X1,..., Xa] is the polynomial ring over R and is a subring of S. The remaining generators of S are algebraically dependent on the Xi's. Thus each of them satisfies an equation of the form r0Td + r1Td - 1 + ... + rd for some elements rj in R1. Moreover, we can assume that r0 is non-zero in such an equation. Let r be the product in R1 of polynomials r0 corresponding to different generators of S. Since R is a domain, so is R1 and the polynomial r is non-zero. For each generator S choose a polynomial of the above form with leading coefficient r (one such such clearly exists) and let R2 be the ring obtained from R1 by adjoining the roots of these equations. We have a natural map R2$ \to$S; let $ \mathfrak{a}$ be the kernel. Since R1$ \to$S factors through R2 and is injective, it follows that $ \mathfrak{a}$ intersects R1 in the zero ideal. $ \qedsymbol$

Let Q1, ..., Qr be the minimal primes in S or equivalently a minimal primes in R2 that contains the kernel of R2$ \to$S. Since R1 meets this kernel in the zero ideal, the intersection of the prime ideals Qi $ \cap$ R1 in R1 is a nilpotent ideal. Since R1 is a domain there is an index i such that Qi $ \cap$ R1 = (0). Let Q denote the prime ideal Qi for any such index i.

Let m be a maximal ideal in R such that r is not contained in the prime ideal m[X1,..., Xa] of R1. Since R1 is a domain we see that Qr $ \cap$ (R1)r is the zero ideal. Now, (R2)r is a finite free module over (R1)r and so (by the going up theorem) there is a prime ideal Q' in R2 which contains Q and restricts to m[X1,..., Xa] in R1. Similarly, for any maximal ideal n' in R1 that contains m[X1,..., Xa] and does not contain r, there is a maximal ideal n in R2 that contains Q' (and hence Q) that lies over n'.

Now, if a > 0 (i. e. R $ \neq$ R1) then there are at least two (in fact infinitely many) such maximal ideals n'. But then we see that we have at least two maximal ideals in S that lie over a given maximal ideal m in R contradicting lemma 22. Thus we must have R = R1.

Again, if $ \tilde{Q}$ is another minimal prime in R2 that contains the kernel of R2$ \to$S and such that $ \tilde{Q}$ $ \cap$ R1 = (0), then as above we can find a prime ideal $ \tilde{Q'}$ which contains $ \tilde{Q}$ and lies over m and is distinct from Q'. Now there are distinct maximal ideals n' and $ \tilde{n'}$ in R2, that contain Q' and $ \tilde{Q'}$ respectively. This again contradicts lemma 22. It follows that there is a unique minimal prime Q containing the kernel of R2$ \to$S such that Q $ \cap$ R = (0).

Now suppose that Q0 is another miminal prime in S, or equivalently a minimal prime in R2 that contains the kernel of R2$ \to$S. We must have Q0 $ \cap$ R $ \neq$ (0). However, we have the lemma

Lemma 24   Let f : R$ \to$S be a homomorphism of finitely generated rings with R a domain. Let Q be a minimal prime in S such that f-1(Q) is non-zero. Then there is a maximal ideal n in S and an integer k such that if m = f-1(n), then R/mk$ \to$S/nk is not an isomorphism.

Proof. Let x be an element of all the minimal primes of S other than Q. Replacing S by its localisation Sx at x, we can assume that Q is the unique minimal prime in S. Then Q consists of nilpotent elements. Since f-1(Q) is non-zero and R is a domain it follows that R$ \to$S has a non-zero kernel. Now let n be any maximal ideal in S and m = f-1(m). The homomorphism of local rings Rm$ \to$Sn has a non-zero kernel. The result follows by the Artin-Rees lemma. $ \qedsymbol$

On the other hand, for our given homomorphism R$ \to$S we know that R/mk$ \to$S/nk must be an isomorphism for all k. It follows that there is no such prime ideal Q0 in S.

We have thus proved that there is a unique prime ideal Q in S that lies over a given prime ideal P in R and f-1(Q) = P. The ``closed''-ness condition is an immediate corollary.

Let us note that if R[X] is the polynomial ring over a ring R, then Hom(R[X], A) is naturally identified with Hom(R, AA. Thus, if g : R[X]$ \to$S[X] denotes the natural extension of the above homomorphism to the corresponding polynomial rings then, for any finite ring the induced map Hom(S[X], A)$ \to$Hom(R[X], A) is a bijection whenever Hom(S, A)$ \to$Hom(R, A) is a bijection. In particular, we can apply the above lemmas to the homomorphism g as well.

Lemma 25   Let f : R$ \to$S be as in the theorem and g : R[X]$ \to$S[X] be the induced homomorphism on polynomial rings in one variable. Let $ \alpha$ be any element of S and $ \mathfrak{b}$ be the ideal (X - $ \alpha$)S[X] in S[X]. Let $ \mathfrak{a}$ be the ideal g-1((X - a)S[X]). Then $ \mathfrak{a}$ contains a monic polynomial.

Proof. Let A be any ring and $ \mathfrak{a}$ be an ideal in the polynomial ring A[X]. Let $ \mathfrak{a}_{1}^{}$ denote the ideal $ \mathfrak{a}$ . A[X, X-1] in the ring A[X, X-1]. We have

$\displaystyle \mathfrak{a}_{1}^{}$ = {P(X) . X-n| P(X) $\displaystyle \in$ $\displaystyle \mathfrak{a}$ and n $\displaystyle \geq$ 0 an integer }

Let $ \mathfrak{a}_{2}^{}$ be the restriction $ \mathfrak{a}_{1}^{}$ $ \cap$ A[X-1] of this ideal to A[X-1]. We have

$\displaystyle \mathfrak{a}_{2}^{}$ = {P(X) . X-d| P(X) $\displaystyle \in$ $\displaystyle \mathfrak{a}$ and d = deg(P(X))}

The content c($ \mathfrak{a}$) of the ideal $ \mathfrak{a}$ is defined as the image of $ \mathfrak{a}_{2}^{}$ in A[X-1]/(X-1) = A. Clearly,

c($\displaystyle \mathfrak{a}$) = {a $\displaystyle \in$ A|$\displaystyle \exists$P(X) $\displaystyle \in$ $\displaystyle \mathfrak{a}$ such that P(X) = aXd +  lower degree terms }

Returning to the rings R and S let us use the subscripts 1 and 2 to denote the above constructions applied to ideals in R[X] and S[X]; specifically to the ideals $ \mathfrak{a}$ and $ \mathfrak{b}$.

We want to show that the content c($ \mathfrak{a}$) of the ideal $ \mathfrak{a}$ in R[X] is the unit ideal. Suppose that c($ \mathfrak{a}$) $ \subset$ m for some maximal ideal m in R. The ideal $ \tilde{m}$ = m[X-1] + X-1R[X-1] is then a maximal ideal in R[X-1] which contains $ \mathfrak{a}_{2}^{}$. Moreover, by the above description of $ \mathfrak{a}_{2}^{}$ it is clear that $ \mathfrak{a}_{2}^{}$ = g2-1($ \mathfrak{b}_{2}^{}$), where g2 : R[X-1]$ \to$S[X-1] is the natural homomorphism. Applying the ``going-up'' which has been proved above, it follows that there should exist a prime ideal $ \tilde{p}$ containing $ \mathfrak{b}_{2}^{}$ such that g2-1($ \tilde{p}$) = $ \tilde{m}$. But $ \mathfrak{b}_{2}^{}$ is the ideal generated by 1 - $ \alpha$X-1 and X-1 lies in $ \tilde{m}$. Thus $ \tilde{p}$ would have to be the unit ideal which contradicts its primality. It follows that c($ \mathfrak{a}$) is the unit ideal. $ \qedsymbol$

From this lemma we see that S is integral over R. Now the result that R/m$ \to$S/f (m)S is an isomorphism for all maximal ideals m implies theorem 18 by Nakayama's lemma.

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Kapil Hari Paranjape 2002-10-20