However this statement is false in general. As we show below
this can be reduced to the case when
M = . In which case what
is being asserted is that R is Gorenstein. But one can give an
example of a non-Gorenstein number ring R.
Trace : K denote the trace map. The
-linear symmetric
) = Trace(
) is non-degenerate. Let
denote the collection of all
in K such that
, M)
; similarly, let
denote the
collection of all
in K such that
, R)
. Let
CR = (
)-1 be the collection of all elements
in K such that
R. We claim
M . ![]() |
= | ![]() |
CR . ![]() |
= | R |
Let v1, ..., vr be elements of K such that
(vi, wj) = , where the latter is the Kronecker delta;
is the group generated by the vi's. To every element
of K we can associate a matrix A(
) by putting
)ij = (
, wivj) and then
wi =
)ijwj. This gives a homomorphism from K to r×r
matrices over
such that R is precisely the collection of
elements whose images are matrices with entries in
. Moreover,
) = Trace(A(
)), where the latter is the trace
)ii in the usual sense, of the matrix A. For any
matrix S we can define an element r(S) by the condition
) = Trace(S . A(
)). It follows that
)) =
Now, the group D of integer matrices is self-dual under the pairing
(T, S) = Trace(TS). The image of R in this group D is
``saturated'', i. e. if T is a matrix such that nT is in the image
of R for some non-zero integer n, then T is in the image of R.
It follows that
r(D) = . Now, D is the free group on the
elementary matrices Ekl whose only non-zero entry is a ``1'' in
the (k, l )-th place. For any matrix S we have
(Ekl, S) = Skl.
In particular, for any element
in K we have
(Ekl, A(
)) = (
, wkvl). Thus
r(Ekl) = wkvl which
is in
M .
. It follows that
M .
is r(D)
which is
, thus proving the first equality above.