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A. A missing Lemma

Let K be a finite field extension of $ \mathbb {Q}$. Let w1, ..., wr be a basis of K as a vector space over $ \mathbb {Q}$. Let M be the subgroup of K generated by the wi's. Let R be the collection of all elements $ \alpha$ in K such that $ \alpha$ . M $ \subset$ M. Let M-1 be the collection of all $ \alpha$ in K such that $ \alpha$ . M $ \subset$ R. We had claimed in an earlier version of these notes that M . M-1 = R.

However this statement is false in general. As we show below this can be reduced to the case when M = $ \check{R}$. In which case what is being asserted is that R is Gorenstein. But one can give an example of a non-Gorenstein number ring R.

Let Trace : K$ \to$$ \mathbb {Q}$ denote the trace map. The $ \mathbb {Q}$-linear symmetric form ($ \alpha$,$ \beta$) = Trace($ \alpha$$ \beta$) is non-degenerate. Let $ \check{M}$ denote the collection of all $ \alpha$ in K such that ($ \alpha$, M) $ \subset$ $ \mathbb {Z}$; similarly, let $ \check{R}$ denote the collection of all $ \alpha$ in K such that ($ \alpha$, R) $ \subset$ $ \mathbb {Z}$. Let CR = ($ \check{R}$)-1 be the collection of all elements $ \alpha$ in K such that $ \alpha$ . $ \check{R}$ $ \subset$ R. We claim that:

M . $\displaystyle \check{M}$ = $\displaystyle \check{R}$  
CR . $\displaystyle \check{R}$ = R  

Together these conditions imply that M . $ \check{M}$ . CR = R. It follows that $ \check{M}$ . CR $ \subset$ M-1 and hence M . M-1 = R.

Let v1, ..., vr be elements of K such that (vi, wj) = $ \delta_{ij}^{}$, where the latter is the Kronecker delta; $ \check{M}$ is the group generated by the vi's. To every element $ \alpha$ of K we can associate a matrix A($ \alpha$) by putting A($ \alpha$)ij = ($ \alpha$, wivj) and then $ \alpha$wi = $ \sum_{j}^{}$A($ \alpha$)ijwj. This gives a homomorphism from K to r×r matrices over $ \mathbb {Q}$ such that R is precisely the collection of elements whose images are matrices with entries in $ \mathbb {Z}$. Moreover, Trace($ \alpha$) = Trace(A($ \alpha$)), where the latter is the trace $ \sum_{i}^{}$A($ \alpha$)ii in the usual sense, of the matrix A. For any matrix S we can define an element r(S) by the condition (r(S),$ \beta$) = Trace(S . A($ \beta$)). It follows that r(A($ \alpha$)) = $ \alpha$.

Now, the group D of integer matrices is self-dual under the pairing (T, S) = Trace(TS). The image of R in this group D is ``saturated'', i. e. if T is a matrix such that nT is in the image of R for some non-zero integer n, then T is in the image of R. It follows that r(D) = $ \check{R}$. Now, D is the free group on the elementary matrices Ekl whose only non-zero entry is a ``1'' in the (k, l )-th place. For any matrix S we have (Ekl, S) = Skl. In particular, for any element $ \alpha$ in K we have (Ekl, A($ \alpha$)) = ($ \alpha$, wkvl). Thus r(Ekl) = wkvl which is in M . $ \check{M}$. It follows that M . $ \check{M}$ is r(D) which is $ \check{R}$, thus proving the first equality above.

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Kapil Hari Paranjape 2002-10-20