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11.6 Index calculus

Another useful tool goes by the name ``Index Calculus''. Suppose that we are given a set of generators g1, ..., gr of G and another ``black-box'' which computes a function A : G×R$ \to$$ \mathbb {Z}$r; here R is used to denote random input. The property of A is that given (g, k) (with k random) the output is an r-tuple (a1,..., ar), such that with probability greater than 1 - (1/2)r + t (for some small integer t) we have the relation

gk = $\displaystyle \prod_{i}^{}$giai

(Note that one can quickly check whether this is indeed true). We can use such a black-box A to give a probabilistic solution to the group structure problem. By running the algorithm at most r + t times we will (with high probability) obtain sufficiently many relations to write g in terms of the elements gi. Thus we can use this to construct a probabilistic algorithm that splits the map $ \mathbb {Z}$r$ \to$G as required.

Since this algorithm makes use of one additional ``black-box'' it is not a ``generic group algorithm''.

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Kapil Hari Paranjape 2002-10-20