For any such closed subscheme Z of T we have a vector space scheme
given by
(a)Z extended by zero on the rest of T. We denote
this vector space scheme by (P) when Z is the subscheme associated
to the a closed point P. The vector space scheme associated with the
``thickened'' closed points is equivalent, in the K-group, to n(P)
for some integer n. This can be shown by a ``composition series
argument''. A similar Jordan-Hölder composition series can be used
to show that the K-group of T is generated by
a)T and the
elements (P). Moreover, if we consider an element D of the form
ni(Pi) of the K-group then the number
deg(D) =
nideg(Pi) can be shown to be well-defined (independent of the
representation of D). Thus the important group becomes the group of
``divisors of degree 0'' of the subgroup of the K-group consisting
of elements of the form
ni(Pi) where
nideg(Pi) = 0. This group is denoted
Pic0(T). An important
theorem of Weil states that there is a group scheme J (called the
Jacobian variety of T) such that
Pic0(T) can be naturally
identified with
). There is also a natural analogy of this with
the divisor class group for quadratic number fields that we will
consider in the next subsection.
To compute the group
Pic0(T) of divisors of degree 0, it enough to
work modulo () which is of degree 1, since any divisor can be
converted to one of degree 0 by subtracting a suitable multiple of
). Thus, we see that this group is generated by the elements
[P] = (P) - deg(P)(
). For a divisor D of degree d we
introduce the notation
[D] = D - d (
) to denote the corresponding
element in