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9.4 Computing with the divisor class group

Let Q be any closed point in $ \mathbb {P}$1 that is different from the point $ \infty$ at infinity. As we saw above Q is given as a closed subscheme of $ \mathbb {A}$1 = $ \mathbb {P}$1 - $ \infty$ as the vanishing locus of an irreducible polynomial f (x). If k = deg(f ) then consider the f-fold Veronese embedding of $ \mathbb {P}$1 in $ \mathbb {P}$k. We see that Q is precisely the intersection of the image of $ \mathbb {P}$1 with the hyperplane V(a0X0 + ... + akXk) (if f (x) = a0 + ... + akXk). Moreover, V(X0) intersects the image of $ \mathbb {P}$1 in a k-tuple thickening of $ \infty$. From earlier remarks on the K-group we see that (Q) = k($ \infty$) in K($ \mathbb {P}$1).

Now the morphism T$ \to$$ \mathbb {P}$1 is flat and so we get a group homomorphism K($ \mathbb {P}$1)$ \to$K(T). In particular, in the various cases enumerated above, for closed points P in T that lie over closed points Q in $ \mathbb {P}$1 we have:

  1. The image of the element ($ \infty$) under this homomorphism is 2($ \infty$).
  2. If Q is the closed point corresponding to an irreducible factor of a(x)2 - 4b(x), then the image of (Q) is 2(P).
  3. If f (x) is an irreducible polynomial so that y2 + a(x)y + b(x) is irreducible modulo f (x), then the image of (Q) is (P).
  4. If f (x) is an irreducible polynomial so that y2 + a(x)y + b(x) has distinct roots g(x) and h(x) modulo f (x), then there are two closed points P and P' that lie over Q and the image of (Q) is (P) + (P').
From the relation (Q) = deg(Q)($ \infty$) we obtain relations in each case as follows. In case (2) we see that deg(P) = deg(Q) so that (Q) - deg(Q)($ \infty$) has the image 2[P] = 2(P) - 2 deg(P)($ \infty$); thus [P] is a two torsion point in this case. In case (3), we have deg(P) = 2 deg(Q) and so that (Q) - deg(Q)($ \infty$) has image [P] = (P) - deg(P)($ \infty$); thus [P] is 0 in this case. In case (4) deg(P) = deg(P') = deg(Q) and the image of (Q) - deg(Q)($ \infty$) is [P] + [P'] which gives us the identity [P] + [P'] = 0.

Thus, elements of Pic0(T) can be written in the form $ \sum_{i}^{}$ni[Pi] + $ \sum_{j}^{}$[Pj] where the former [Pi] are all of type (4) and the latter [Pj] are of type (2). As we saw above, Hensel's lemma allows us to lift the solution y = g(x) of the equation y2 + a(x)y + b(x) modulo f (x) in case (4) to a solution y = gk(x) modulo f (x)k for any k. Combining this with the Chinese remainder theorem, we see that divisors are characterised as solutions y = g(x) of y2 + a(x)y + b(x) modulo f (x), where f (x) is not necessarily irreducible. Conversely, given such a solution, let Z = V(y - g(x), f (x)) and we have the divisor (Z) - deg(f )($ \infty$) in Pic0(T).

To summarise, each divisor class in Pic0(T) is represented by a pair of polynomials (f (x), g(x)), where g(x) has degree less than that of f (x) and g(x)2 + a(x)g(x) + b(x) is divisible by f (x); as we shall see below this representation is not unique. We can further assume that any irreducible factor of f (x) that divides a2(x) - 4b(x) divides f (x) at most once. Moreover, it is clear that the inverse of this class in Pic0(T) is represented by (f (x), g1(x)), where g1(x) is the reduction modulo f (x) of a(x) - g(x).

If (f1(x), g1(x)) and (f2(x), g2(x)) are two such pairs, then we can form their sum in Pic0(T) as follows.

  1. Assume that f1(x) and f2(x) are co-prime. We find h1(x) and h2(x) so that h1f1 + h2f2 = 1. Let g(x) be the reduction of h1f1g2 + h2f2g1 modulo f1f2. We see that g(x) reduces to g1(x) modulo f1 and to g2(x) modulo f2. Hence, by the Chinese Remainder Theorem it follows that g(x)2 + a(x)g(x) + b(x) is divisible by f (x) = f1(x)f2(x). Thus the sum is (f (x), g(x)).
  2. Now suppose that h(x) is a common factor of f1(x) and f2(x). We further write h(x) = h1(x)h2(x) where h1(x) is the common factor of h(x) with a2(x) - 4b(x). Since the corresponding elements [P] (in case (2) as above) are of order 2 it follows that this factor disappears when the sum is taken in Pic0(T). In other words, let f'1(x) and f'2(x) be the quotients of f1(x) and f2(x) by h1(x) respectively, and let g'1(x) and g'2(x) be the reductions of g1(x) by f1(x) and g2(x) by f2(x) respectively. The sum of the pairs (f'1(x), g'1(x)) and (f'2(x), g'2(x)) is the same as the sum we want to compute.
  3. Assume that the common factor h(x) of f1(x) and f2(x) is co-prime to a2(x) - 4b(x). Let h1 be the highest common factor of h with g1 + g2 - a and let h1 = h/h2. Now, both g1 and g2 a solutions of y2 + a(x)y + b(x) = 0 modulo h1(x) and their sum is a(x). It follows that these are complementary solutions as in case (4) above. Thus these cancel out when the sum is taken in Pic0(T). As in the previous case, we can replace the pairs (f1, g1) and (f2, g2) by another pair with the same sum, with the property that the f1, f2 and g1 + g2 - a have no common factor.
  4. Assume that the common factor h(x) of f1(x) and f2(x) is co-prime to a2(x) - 4b(x) and to g1(x) + g2(x) - a(x). Now, both g1 and g2 are solutions of y2 + a(x)y + b(x) = 0 modulo h(x) and they are not complementary modulo any factor of h(x). By the uniqueness part of Hensel's lemma it follows that g1(x) and g2(x) is have the same reduction m(x) modulo h(x). Another application of Hensel's lemma allows us to lift m(x) to a solution mk(x) of the above equation modulo h(x)k, for every power k. Now, we can write f1(x) = n1(x)f'1(x) where f'1(x) has no factor in common with h(x), moreover n1(x) is the greatest common factor of f1(x) with h(x)k1 for a suitable power k1; similarly f2(x) = n2(x)f'2(x). Let k be such that h(x)k is divisible by n1(x)n2(x). By using the Chinese Remainder theorem as before, we can find g'(x) which lifts the solutions mk(x) modulo h(x)k, g1(x) modulo f'1(x) and g2(x) modulo f'2(x) to a solution modulo h(x)kf'1(x)f'2(x). Reducing this solution modulo f1f2 = n1n2f'1f'2, we obtain the required pair (f (x), g(x)).

Finally we need to ``reduce'' divisors to a bounded collection. For this we use our original description of the hyperelliptic curve T as a closed subscheme of the cone Sd in $ \mathbb {P}$d + 1. We have noted earlier that if L is any $ \mathbb {P}$d sitting linearly in $ \mathbb {P}$d + 1, then we have an exact sequence

0$\displaystyle \to$($\displaystyle \mathbb {V}$1×L)$\scriptstyle \mathbb {P}$d + 1$\displaystyle \to$$\displaystyle \mathbb {V}$1×$\displaystyle \mathbb {P}$d + 1$\displaystyle \to$H$\displaystyle \to$ 0

Now the restriction of ($ \mathbb {V}$1×L)$\scriptstyle \mathbb {P}$d + 1 to T is ($ \mathbb {V}$1×D)T where D is the divisor on T given by the intersection of L and T. As remarked earlier, this shows that the class in K0(T) of (L $ \cap$ T) is independent of L. One such L is V(X0) which intersects T in 2d ($ \infty$). Thus, we note that if (L $ \cap$ T) = $ \sum_{i}^{}$ni(Pi) then $ \sum_{i}^{}$ni[Pi] = 0 in Pic0(T).

Now, any collection of d + 1 points in $ \mathbb {P}$d + 1 lie on an L which contains them. More generally, on can show the same for a divisor of degree d + 1 on T. Now any L intersects T in a divisor of degree 2d. In particular, given any divisor D of degree d, we can find an L that contains D + ($ \infty$), so that L intersects T in D + ($ \infty$) + E where E has degree d - 1. Thus, we see that [D] + [E] = 0 in Pic0(T). The inverse of [D] for a divisor D of degree d is thus represented by [E] where E has degree d - 1. This is the basic geometric idea behind the reduction of divisors. The algebraic steps for this reduction are described below.

As we saw above, elements of Pic0(T) are represented by pairs (f (x), g(x)), where g(x) has degree less than the degree of f (x) and h(x) = g(x)2 + a(x)g(x) + b(x) is divisible by f (x). Moreover, we can also assume that f (x) is divisible at most once by any irreducible factor that it has in common with a(x)2 - 4b(x). Now if f (x) has degree d + k, then h(x) has degree at most the maximum of {2(d + k - 1),(d - 1) + (d + k - 1), 2d - 1}. Thus writing h(x) = f (x)f'(x) we see that f'(x) has degree at most the maximum of {d + k - 2, d - 1}. Moreover, if g'(x) is the reduction of g(x) modulo f'(x), then (f'(x), g'(x)) is another pair representing an element of Pic0(T). Now, let g(x) = $ \sum_{i}^{}$aixi have degree at most d and put G(X) = $ \sum_{i}^{}$aiXi. Then (f (x)f'(x), g(x)) represents the divisor L $ \cap$ T where L = V(Y - G(X)), thus we see that (f'(x), g'(x)) represents the inverse of the element of Pic0(T) that is represented by (f (x), g(x)) in this case. This argument can be generalised to the case g has degree more than d as well (by using the k-tuple Veronese embedding of $ \mathbb {P}$d + 1 and using linear subspaces from there) to show the same result.

To summarise, we have two ways of representing the inverse of an element of Pic0(T) that is represented by the pair (f (x), g(x)). One method is to let g1(x) be the reduction modulo f (x) of a(x) - g(x) and take the pair (f (x), g1(x)). The other method is to take f'(x) to be the quotient of g(x)2 + a(x)g(x) + b(x) by f (x) and g'(x) to be the reduction of g(x) modulo f (x). Combining these let f2(x) be the quotient by f (x) of

(a(x) - g(x))2 + a(x)(a(x) - g(x)) + b(x) = g(x)2 - a(x)g(x) + b(x)

and g2(x) be the reduction modulo f2(x) of a(x) - b(x). We see that the pair (f (x), g(x)) and the pair (f2(X), g2(x)) represent the same element in Pic0(T). Moreover, if f (x) has degree d + k for some k $ \geq$ 0, then f2(x) has strictly smaller degree. Thus we have a method to reduce all pairs representing elements of Pic0(T) to pairs (f (x), g(x)) where f (x) has degree at most d - 1.

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Kapil Hari Paranjape 2002-10-20