
Logistics for MTH102 in 2019

Kapil Hari Paranjape
  • Dr. Arun Kumar (Section 1, LH3)
  • Dr. Rakesh Pawar (Section 2, LH4)
  • Dr. Pritam Ghosh (Section 3, LH5)
  • Dr. Dishari Chaudhri (Section 4, LH6)
  • Ms. Bandna Rani (Section 1, LH3)
  • Mr. Ravi Tomar (Section 1, LH3)
  • Mr. Niranjan (Section 2, LH4)
  • Ms. Swathi Krishna (Section 2, LH4)
  • Mr. Vinay Gaba (Section 3, LH5)
  • Ms. Neha Kwatra (Section 3, LH5)
  • Mr. Suneel Kumar (Section 4, LH6)
  • Ms. Pinka Dey (Section 4, LH6)
Estimated number of Lectures
Estimated number of Tutorials
Estimated number of Assignments/Quizzes
Marks for Quizzes
Marks for each Mid-Sem
Marks for End-Sem
Frequency of Quizzes
Roughly in every Tutorial


  1. In each quiz/mid-sem some (somewhat randomly chosen) students will be asked to explain their answers and will only then be marked. Hence, do not “forget” your answers.

  2. During the course there will be some “bonus” questions. Students who submit valid answers for such questions will get “bonus” marks which will be used only if that student lies on a grade border at the end of the course.

  3. There will be no make-up quizzes or mid-sems for any reason. As per IISER Senate rules, if a mid-sem is missed for an emergency (and certified as such by the Dean Academics office) then marks of the other mid-sem will be used in place in place of the missed mid-sem.

  4. Best five quizzes will be used for assigning quiz marks. Bonus marks will be given for overall good performance in quizzes which will be used as mentioned above.


  1. At the end of each tutorial period students must submit a hand-written sheet containing solutions of whatever assignment problems that they have managed to solve.

  2. Students are allowed to discuss amongst each other and with tutors during this tutorial period. However, they must write the solution on their own.

  3. Students are allowed to leave the tutorial session after handing in their solutions. The sheets handed in will be used to mark attendance.

  4. Marks will only be given for complete solutions; there will be no partial credit.

  5. There will be “bonus” questions in some assignments which are marked as such. Solutions to these will be used only to break degeneracy, if any, at grade boundaries while assigning the final grade. In particular, these will not count towards the final score directly.

Moodle and Attendance

  1. Attendance in the tutorial will be based on the submission of the answer sheet (see above).

  2. All students should attend lectures as they will be based on instructor’s own notes. These notes will be put on the IISER Moodle page for this course. Assignments will also be put there.

  3. All students must register on the IISER Moodle page for this course and examine its contents regularly. Weekly attendance will be based on checking logins by students to this page.

Last modified: Tuesday, January 8, 2019, 12:14 PM