Book sections

Additional Problems from the Books

GF Simmons' book

The section of GF Simmons' book relevant to this discussion is Section 17 in Chapter 3 with the title Homogeneous Equation with constant coefficients.

The problems at the end of this section give some more practice problems in addition to assignment 2. These are stated as second order differential equations, but by introducing a suitable variable they can be converted into first order vector valued differential equations as explained in class.

Shepley Ross' book

The sections of Ross' book relevant to this discussion is Sections 7.4-7.7 in Chapter 7 which has the title Systems of Linear Differential Equations.

A lot of the chapter is revision of linear algebra for 2x2 and 3x3 matrices. The exercises at the end of section 7.4 and 7.6 are similar to those given in assignment 2.

Last modified: Monday, August 20, 2018, 4:44 PM