
Logistics for IDC205 in 2018

Instructor : Kapil Hari Paranjape

Associates : Abhay Soman, Sushil Bhunia

Estimated number of classes : 31

Estimated number of Assignments/Quizzes : 6-8

Marks for Quizzes : 20

Marks for each Mid-Sem : 15

Marks for each End-Sem : 50

Frequency of Quizzes : Roughly every third class

  1. In each quiz/mid-sem some (somewhat randomly chosen) students will be asked to explain their answers and will only then be marked. Hence, do not “forget” your answers.

  2. During the course there will be some “bonus” questions. Students who submit valid answers for such questions will get “bonus” marks which will be used only if that student lies on a grade border at the end of the course.

  3. There will be no make-up quizzes or mid-sems for any reason. As per IISER Senate rules, if a mid-sem is missed then marks will be assigned on a pro-rata basis.

  4. Best four quizzes will be used for assigning quiz marks. Bonus marks will be given for overall good performance in quizzes which will be used as mentioned above.

Last modified: Tuesday, August 7, 2018, 10:15 AM