Rules of the game

  • Lectures : Monday / Tuesday during 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm. Tutorial sessions will be conducted with prior announcement.
  • Zero tolerance for academic indiscipline. Students who agree to take this elective will have to sign an honour code before every exam. Proxy attendance to be taken very seriously. If you miss a class for some reason, then to protect yourself from against a proxy that someone might have marked, you must report your absence at this page well before the instructor observes your proxy. If you fail to do so before the instructor catches you, it will be assumed that you had arranged the proxy for yourself.
  • All the students enrolled in this course must go through Rules of the game.
  • Honour code to be signed during exams reads as : “I affirm, on my honour, that I shall maintain my integrity and uphold the highest standards of academic conduct. I shall not receive and shall not make any attempt to receive an unlawful aid during this examination. I shall not tolerate any action that does not adhere to these words.”
  • Grading : Two mid semester exams (20 marks each), One end semester exam (40 marks), Assignments / Quizzes / Tutorials (20 marks).
  • Warning : Sure 'F' grade if you score less than or equal to 35 marks. Converse is not true.
  • Problems sheets to be solved regularly in a designated notebook. Every Monday 20 randomly selected students will have to submit their notebook.
  • Books : Differential Equations by Shepley Ross, Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes by G. F. Simmons.
पिछ्ला सुधार: बुधवार, 3 अगस्त 2016, 9:05 अपराह्न