Normal as limit of Binomial and others

Limiting Distributions-Normal Distribution

When Xk is a random variable with Binomial distribution B(k;p) its mean is kp and variance is kp(1p).

So, in order to normalise the distribution, we define Yk=(Xkkp)/kp(1p).

Putting r=kp+xkp(1p), see that the distribution of Yk is given by


sage: def cenbinom(k,p,y):
...       r = round(k*p+y) # we will put y=x*sqrt(k*p*(1-p))
...       return N(binomial(k,r)*p^r*(1-p)^(k-r))

For xA and k sufficiently large the de Moivre Laplace theorem says that


We try to see this in the following images.

sage: p=0.8;a=sqrt(p*(1-p))
sage: normpl=plot(exp(-x^2/2),(x,-3,3),color='orange')
sage: plseq=[normpl+point(map(lambda x:(x,k*cenbinom(k^2,p,x*k*a)), srange(-3,3,1/(k*a))),color='gray') for k in range (2,40)]
sage: planim=animate(plseq,xmin=-3,xmax=3,ymin=0,ymax=1,figsize=[6,4])
Binomial tends to Normal

Binomial tends to Normal

This property is not limited to the case of a coin flip (with uneven probability).

Let Ti be a sequence of independent identically distributed variables with expectation m and variance σ2.

Let Yn=i=1nTi. Then E(Yn)=nm and σ2(Yn)=nσ2.

Then, the distribution of Xn=Ynnmnσ2 approaches the normal distribution as n approaches infinity. This is called the Central Limit Theorem.

sage: n=50;m=200
sage: ylist=[sum(random() for _ in range(n)) for _ in range(m)] # we take m=200 samples of Y_n

The function random() is a uniformly distributed random variable in the interval [0,1]. Hence its mean is 1/2 and variance is 1/12.

sage: xlist=map(lambda y: (y-n/2)/N(sqrt(n/12)), ylist)

We count the number of values of x less than or equal to a given value to get the distribution function.

sage: distfvals=[(t,len([x for x in xlist if x<=t])/m) for t in srange(-3,3,0.01)]
sage: grf1=point(distfvals,color='gray')

We calculate the normal distribution values for the same range of values for t.

sage: c=N(1/sqrt(2*pi));var('t,x')
sage: def distnorm(x):
...       s=N(sqrt(2))
...       return 1/2 + erf(x/s)/2
sage: grf2=plot(distnorm(x),(x,-3,3),color='orange')
sage: g=grf1+grf2
Normalised Uniform tends to Normal

Normalised Uniform tends to Normal

Last modified: Thursday, 18 February 2016, 8:58 AM