
Logistics for MTH432 in 2022

Instructor : Kapil Hari Paranjape

Lecture Classes : Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 16:00-17:00

Some classes may work as Tutorials or Flipped Classes

Estimated number of lectures : 36

Marks for class interaction : 10

Estimated number of quizzes : 10

Marks for Quizzes : 30

Marks for End-Sem : 40

Marks for Project : 20

  1. Students must log in to Moodle. Evaluation and grading will happen through it.

  2. Students should ask questions regarding the course material by email or on Moodle forums for each topic.

  3. Class interaction marks will be awarded for questions asked and some relevant questions will be discussed in the flipped class.

  4. There will be no make-up quizzes for any reason. Best 6 quizzes will be used for grading.

  5. Bonus marks will be given for good performance in quizzes and class interactions (above the allotted marks) which will be used as explained below.

  6. Bonus marks will be added to the score only if that student lies on a grade border at the end of the course and will cross the grade border if these marks are added.

  7. Project is on topics which can be among those listed on Moodle or one chosen by student in consultation with the instructor.

    a. The project report is due at 24:00 hours on 4th December 2022.

    b. Students may be asked to meet to discuss their report before final grade for project is awarded.

Last modified: Monday, 22 August 2022, 6:49 PM