Discussion Room : IDC101

Decode my message

Decode my message

by Mayukh Chakrabarty -
Number of replies: 3

To make life easier, my encoder coverts all common punctuation symbols to a single symbol. I will provide an example to check out your logic. Upload a decoder program for my encoder. Let's have fun.

Example : 

Input: The brown pig

Output: 7.68.93.@

You are to decode the following message:
In reply to Mayukh Chakrabarty

Re: Decode my message

by Vineet Gaurav . -

The formula for encoding the message is :-

26*(the position of the letter in the message including @ sign)+(the position of the letter in the message including @ sign)*(the position of letter in the alphabet)

The only change is for the first letter of the message and for decoding it just count the position of the letter in backward form in the alphabet system.

The message is:

Whoever decodes this gets a treat from me