Dr. Pranab Sardar
Associate Professor
Email: psardar@iisermohali.ac.in
Office: AB2/1F9
Research Area: Geometric Group Theory
Brief bio: * PhD- Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, India, 2012.
* Post doc fellow- UC Davis, 2012-2015.
* INSPIRE faculty- CMI, India, 2015-16.
* Assistant Professor- IISER Mohali, 2016-till now.
Recent publication and preprints:
1) Pullbacks of metric bundles and Cannon-Thurston maps (with Swathi Krishna) arxiv:2007.13109
2) Propagating quasiconvexity from fibers (with Mahan Mj)- to appear in Israel J. Math., arXiv:2009.11521
3) Book in progress: Hyperbolic trees of spaces (with Michael Kapovich), https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~kapovich/EPR/trees.pdf