Prof. Kapil Hari Paranjape
Office: AB-2 2F8
Research Area: Algerbaic Geometry and its interactions with Algebraic Topology and Algebraic Number Theory
Brief bio: My interests are centred on Geometry, more specifically, on Algebraic Geometry and the study of Algebraic Cycles. Such studies have led me further afield to areas such as Homological Algebra, Algebraic Topology, Differential Geometry and Number Theory. In a different direction, problems of writing computer programs to carry out mathematical tasks as well as questions of a more theoretical nature about computation have also grabbed my interest from time to time.
After completing the 5-year integrated MS programme at IIT Kanpur, I carried out research at the School of Mathematics, TIFR to obtain my PhD from the University of Bombay. Subsequently, I held positions at TIFR. ISI Bangalore and IMSc Chennai before joining IISER Mohali in 2010.