Up: Continuous Self Maps of
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- L
- R. Lazarsfeld
Some applications of the theory of Positive vector bundles
in Complete Intersections, C.I.M.E., Acireale 1983.
Lect. Notes. Math. 1092, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New
York (1984).
- M
- S. Mori
Projective manifolds with ample tangent bundles,
Ann. Math. 110 (1979) 593-606.
- KS
- K. H. Paranjape and V. Srinivas
Self maps of homogeneous spaces. preprint.
- W
- G. W. Whitehead
Elements of Homotopy Theory, Grad. Texts in Math. 61,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (1978).
Kapil Hari Paranjape