Theorem 2
Let Q be a smooth quadric hypersurface of dimension n = 2k.
There is an integer m such that for any positive
d 0 (modm), the map
Fd, n : Q(n + 2)Q(n + 2)
extends to a continuous map f : QQ (of degree dn).
Suppose that for some d > 0, the map
Fd, n - 2 : Q'(n)Q'(n)
extends to a map
f' : Q'Q'. Then the map
C(f') : CC,
obtained by the construction of (1.1), restricts to
Fd, n : Q(n + 2)Q(n + 2). We compute below the obstruction
to extending C(f') to a map f : QQ.
As in the odd dimensional case, we begin by observing that we have
the diagram with exact bottom row
H2n - 1(,)
() 0
where the vertical maps are Hurewicz maps. Since
, are
isomorphisms, the composite
(Q, C)(C) ()H2n - 1()
is an isomorphism, and
(C) (Q, C) (Q) (,) ().
From Lemma 4, we have a split exact sequence for each i
0(Sn)()(Sn + 1)0,
where the splitting is obtained from a homotopy section of (*).
Q(n) = Q(n + 1), the map
(Q(n))(Q) is an
isomorphism for i = n, and a surjection for i = n + 1. In
particular, the homotopy section of (*), and the inclusion of the
Sn of (*), factor through Q(n). Hence
(Q(n))(Q) is surjective. Thus
(C) (Q, C) im ((Q(n))).
We can refine this a little. Since
(Q(n)) (Q) , there is a map
: Sn, inducing a map
g : SnQ(n),
such that , g represent generators of , and
is homotopic to the inclusion of the fibre of
(*); further,
() Hn(,) Hn(Q(n),),
(Fd, n)* acts by multiplication by dk on
Hn(Q(n),). Then there is an inclusion
h : (Sn) (C) induced by g and a homotopy
commutative diagram
where has degree dk.
Next, an easy computation shows that
Sn + 1 maps isomorphically
onto Sn + 1 in the fibration (*). Further Fd, n restricts
to a self map of L' of degree dk.
Thus we have a decomposition
im ((Q(n))(C)) = h*((Sn)) (L').
The action of C(f')* on the left is compatible with this
decomposition, and induces on
(Sn), and
(Fd, n)* on
(L'). Note that since n is even,
(Sn) (Sn)tors (where the
subscript ``tors'' denotes the torsion subgroup).
Lemma 8
C(f')* acts by multiplication by dn on
(C) .
With respect to the direct sum decomposition
(C) = (Q, C) ((Sn)tors) (L'),
C(f')* has a matrix of the form
Hom ((Q, C),(Sn)tors)
Hom ((Q, C),(Sn + 1))
Hom (,(Sn)tors)
From the Scholium 5, the action of on
(Sn)tors is by dk, while it is by
d2k = dn
(Sn) . The action of
(Fd, n)* on
() Hn + 1(,) Hn(L', H1(S1))
is by dk + 1. From the Scholium, this implies that
(Fd, n)*
acts by dk + 1 on
(L'). Hence (ii) follows, once we
prove (i).
Q(n) = L'L'' where
L'L'' = Lk - 1. Since
(L) is finite, we see that
(Q(n))(Q(n), L)
is injective. We have a diagram, whose vertical arrows are
Hurewicz maps,
Hn(Q(n), L;)
(Q(n), L)
so that the Hurewicz map on
(Q(n)) is injective.
Consider the quotient map
Q(n) = L'L''(L'L'')/LSnSn.
This induces an isomorphism on Hn, and hence an injection on
. We have a diagram
= , and
, are self maps of
Sn of degree dk.
(SnSn) be the space
obtained from
SnSn by localising at
. The map
Q(n)(SnSn) extends to a map
: C(SnSn) , since
(SnSn) = 0 for n < i < 2n - 1. Further, the
commutes upto homotopy, since there are no obstructions to
extending the constant homotopy on Q(n).
The map
: (C) ((SnSn) ) is injective on the summand
((Sn) (L')) = (Sn)
by construction. Hence the map
: (C) H2n - 1(,) ((SnSn) )
is injective. The action of
C(f')* is obtained by
restricting the action of
to the image of .
We have an isomorphism (see [W] XI (1.6), (1.7))
(SnSn) (Sn×Sn) (Sn) (Sn),
and acts by
(×)* on the first
summand, and by
* = * on the other two summands.
Since , have degree dk, one easily computes
from Scholium 5 that
()* acts by
d2k = dn on
((SnSn) ).
Finally, we have an isomorphism
H2n - 1(,) H2n - 2(C, H1(S1)),
so that
acts on
H2n - 1(,) by dn. This completes the proof of (i).
We now easily complete the proof of the Theorem. Assume by
induction that, for all
d 0 (modm'), the map
Fd, n - 2 : Q'(n)Q'(n) extends to a map
f' : Q'Q'. Let m = (m'N)2,
where N annihilates
(C)tors. If
d 0 (modm), then d = d1d2 where d1 = em'N and
d2 = m'N for some integer e.
We then have self maps f'1, f'2 extending
Fd1, n - 2,
Fd2, n - 2 respectively. Then
C(f'1of'2) = C(f'1)oC(f'2) is an
extension of Fd, n, and one readily computes from the above
lemma that it acts by multiplication by dn on
C(f'1of'2) extends to a self map of Q.
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Kapil Hari Paranjape