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Combining the results of sections 1 and 2 we have shown that
any counter-example to Fermat's Last theorem for a prime p 5
leads to a non-trivial representation
which is unramified everywhere; here K denotes the subfield of
complex numbers generated by the p-th roots of unity. Kummer called
primes which admit such representations irregular. He showed
that there are indeed such primes (p = 37 is one such) and hence this
particular attempt to prove Fermat's Last theorem fails. We now wish
to show how one goes about checking whether a prime is
We apply the results of Section 3 in the special case where
K is the prime cyclotomic field of section 1 and also to the
totally real subfield L.
First of all we use the divisibility of the class number h of R
by the class number h+ of S to write
h = h+ . h- for
some integer h-. Let W denote the (finite cyclic) group of
roots of unity in K. Then we have
U = W . U+, where U+
denotes the group of units in S and so
#(U/U+) = #(W/{±1}) = p. We have the natural inclusion
L R K R from which we obtain
the isomorphism
K R)
L R)
*1 = (
(p - 1)/2
since (p - 1)/2 is the degree of L over Q. From this we deduce
K R)
U) =
. (
(p - 1)/2 . ((
L R)
The formula for computing discriminants yields
K R/
R) =
L R/
2 . p1/2
since p is the norm of the relative discrimant. Thus the class
number formulas for K and L then give a formula for h-
Hence h- can be computed explicitly and in closed form. In
particular, the divisibility of h- by p is an easily computable
The divisibility of h+ by p is more complicated. As remarked
earlier, the term
((L R)*1/U+) is
difficult to compute. However, we have the subgroup
U+ , cycl = U+ Ucycl and one can compute
((L R)*1/U+ , cycl). In fact one
shows that
L R)
U+ , cycl) =
L R/
. L(1,
where the product runs over all non-trivial characters such
(- 1) = 1. The class number formula for h+ becomes
h+ = [U+ : U+ , cycl] = [U : Ucycl].
This is the first coincidence that makes Kummer's calculations
From the above identity we see that if p divides h+ then we
have a real unit u such that its p-th power is a cyclotomic unit
but u is not itself cyclotomic. Hence v = up is a cyclotomic unit
which is congruent to an integer modulo pS. If we find a
w Ucycl such that v = wp then one shows easily that u is
itself a cyclotomic unit. Let Q denote the quotient group
(S/pS)*/(Z/pZ)*. We obtain a natural homomorphism
which is represented by a square matrix with entries from
The preceding remarks imply that p| h+ only if det(m) = 0. The
second coincidence that makes Kummer's calculation work is
det(m) h-(mod p).
Thus we see that p| h if and only if p| h-. Hence we can easily
check which primes are regular.
Next: Bibliography
Up: Kummer's proof of Fermat's
Previous: 3 Transcendental computation of
Kapil Hari Paranjape