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Up: Functions, continuity and differentiability
Previous: Functions, continuity and differentiability
The study of differentiable functions is the study of functions that
mimic the behaviour of polynomials ``approximately''. To begin with we
must formally define the notion of approximation.
Exercise 34
For any real number 0 < x < 1 show that xn is a decreasing sequence
with limit 0.
In particular, we see that a polynomial that vanishes to order (n + 1)
at 0 satisfies the following condition on functions of one variable.
Definition 1
A function
x) of one variable is said to be in
xn) if for any
> 0 there is a
> 0 so that
x)| <
xn| for all
x so that |
x| <
An alternative notion is
Definition 2
A function
x) one variable is said to be in
is there is a
> 0 and a constant
C so that
x)| <
xn| for all
x so that |
x| <
Clearly, any polynomial that vanishes to order n is O(xn). Further,
it is clear that an function g(x) that is O(xn) is
o(xn - 1)
and any function that is o(xn) is O(xn).
We can extend these notions to many variables as well. A function
g(x1,..., xn) of n variables is said to be in
O(xn)) if for all lines
(x1,..., xn) = (xc1,..., xcn) through the origin the restricted
f (x) = g(xc1,..., xcn) is in o(xn) (respectively
O(xn)). We can further extend this to define
o((x - b)n)
O((x - b)n) where
b = (b1,..., bn) is some point,
as a way of approximating functions near this point.
We say that g and f agree upto
o((x - b)n) (or f
approximates g upto
o((x - b)n)) if f - g is in
o((x - b)n). Note in particular, that f and g take the
same value at
A function is differentiable n times at the point
c if it is
approximated upto
o((x - b)n) by a polynomial (of degree n).
Clearly, a polynomial of any degree is differentiable by the results
of the previous section. In the one variable case we write this as
f (x) = a0 + a1x + ... + anxn + o((x - c)n)
Exercise 35
Show that for any two functions f and g in
o(xn) and a
function h which is differentiable n times at the origin, the
h . f + g is in
Exercise 36
Show that the numbers ak are uniquely determined by the function
Now the number a1 depends on f and the point c. Now suppose
that f is differentiable (1 times) at all points c so that it can
be written as above near every point c. Then we can define the
derived function f' by letting f'(c) = a1 for each point c; the
function f' is also called the derivative of f. Now it clear that
if f is the function given by a polynomial P then f' is
dP/dx. Thus we also use the notation df /dx for f'. We have the
derivation property as well.
Exercise 37
g and
h are differentiable then so is
hf +
g and
However, unlike the condition of vanishing to order n at
c, the condition
o((x - c)n) is not very well behaved.
Exercise 38
Show that
f (x) = x2sin(1/x) is o(x) but the derivative of f'
is not o(x0).
A function
f (x) is called continuous at a point
c if
f (x) - f (c) is
o(x - c) (i. e. it is differentiable 0
times!). It is called continuous it it has this property at all points.
Thus we would like to study functions f which are differentiable and
in addition the derivative f' is continuous. Such functions
are provided by the fundamental theorem of calculus.
Next: Properties
Up: Functions, continuity and differentiability
Previous: Functions, continuity and differentiability
Kapil H. Paranjape