Let L = V(F1,..., Fn;G1,..., Gm) be a quasi-projective scheme in p and K = V(D1,..., Dk;E1,..., El) be a quasi-projective scheme in q. As before we can and do assume that the collections {Di}, {Ei}, {Fi} and {Gi} have constant degrees. Let Xi's be the p + 1 variables for p and Yj be the q + 1 variables for q. If d1 is the degree of the Dt's then the bi-homogeneous polynomials of the form Dt . M where M is a monomial of degree d1 in the variables Xi can be written as polynomials in the variables Zij = XiYj (by choosing some arbitrary pairing of X's with Y's for each term). Let {} denote the resulting collection of polynomials in Zij as M varies over all possible monomials in the X's and Ft's vary. We have similar collections {}, {} and {}. One then checks quite easily that L(A)×K(A) is the subset of pq + p + q(A) defined by the conditions:
Thus, when X and Y are quasi-projective schemes, then so is X×Y. Hence, for a sub-functor Z of X×Y it makes sense say that it is a subscheme; or more specifically a closed or open subscheme. In particular, if W is a subscheme (resp. closed or open subscheme) of Y, we see that X×W is a subscheme (resp. closed or open subscheme) of X×Y. Similarly, for subschemes of X. Another useful closed subscheme is X×X, the diagonal subscheme, which is defined by intersecting X×X with the diagonal subscheme of q×q when X is given a a subscheme of q.
A correspondence from X to Y is a closed subscheme of X×Y. For any natural transformation f : XY the graph is the subfunctor of X×Y which gives for each finite ring A the graph of f (A) : X(A)Y(A). We say that f is a morphism if is a closed subscheme of X×Y. In other words, a morphism is a natural transformation which is also a correspondence. Alternatively, if Z X×Y is a correspondence so that the projection Z(A)X(A) is a bijection for all finite rings A, then Z is the graph of a morphism.
Now it follows easily that the identity natural transformation XX is a morphism with the diagonal as the associated correspondence. Moreover, each of the projections X×YX and X×YY is a morphism. It is also clear that if W X is a subscheme then the intersection of W×Y with gives the graph of the restriction of f : XY to W; as a result this restriction is also a morphism. If Z X×Y is the graph of a morphism then the projection ZX is a morphism; its graph in Z×X X×Y×X is the intersection of the diagonal of the extreme terms (consisting of (x, y, x)) with Z×X. The map Z(A)X(A) is a bijection; let g : XZ be the inverse natural transformation. The graph of g in X×Z X×X×Y is the intersection of ×Y with X×Z. Thus g is also a morphism. In other words, there are morphisms ZX and XZ with composition either way being identity. Thus ZX is an isomorphism.
Now, let f : XY be a morphism and g : YZ be another morphism. Let W be the intersection of ×Z with X× in X×Y×Z. Under the above isomorphism X, we can identify W as a subscheme of X×Z. It clear that W(A) is the graph of the composite natural transformation gof. Thus, morphisms can be composed.
Let f : XY be a morphism and W Y be a subscheme. Then, we have a subscheme of given by its intersection with X×W. Since X is an isomorphism, we obtain a subscheme of X as well; this scheme is usually denoted f-1(W) and called the inverse image of W under f. In some cases it may happen that is contained in X×W so that f-1(W) = X. In this case we say that the morphism f factors through or lands inside W.
The theorem of Chevalley asserts that there is a smallest subscheme W of Y so that f factors through W; we can refer to W as the categorical image of f. Note that it may not be true that W(A) is the image of X(A) in Y(A) even for one non-zero finite ring A.
Given morphisms XW and XZ we easily check that the natural transformation XW×Z is a morphism. Given morphisms XS and YS, we obtain the compositions a : X×YXS and b : X×YYS. Thus we a morphism X×YS×S. The inverse image of the diagonal is denoted X×SY and is called the fibre product of X and Y over S. For any morphisms ZX×Y such that the resulting composites with a and b are equal, we see that the morphism actually lands in the subscheme X×SY.
One important example of a correspondence is the subscheme Z of p + q×q defined by the conditions XiYj = XjYi for 0 i, j q. Let U be the open subscheme of p + q given by U = V(0;X0, X1,..., Xq). For (a0 : ... : ap + q) in U(A), the tuple (a0,..., aq) generates the ring A, thus we see that we see that ((a0 : ... : ap + q),(a0 : ... : aq)) gives an element of p + q(A)×q(A) which clearly lies in Z(A). Conversely, if ((a0 : ... : ap + q),(b0 : ... : bq)) lies in Z(A) and (a0,..., aq) generate the ring A, then the above equations show that there is a unit u in A so that bi = uai (apply the Chinese Remainder theorem for finite rings!). Thus, the projection Z(A)p + q(A) is a bijection over U(A) and gives a morphism Uq. This morphism is called the projection on p + q away from the linear subscheme (or subspace!) V(X0,..., Xq); more generally, we can refer to the above correspondence as the projection correspondence.
A natural generalisation of this is to consider a collection F0,...,Fq of homogeneous polynomials of the same degree in variables X0,...,Xp; we can then take the subscheme Z of p×q defined by the equations
For any functor F on the category of finite rings we can introduce a new functor TF which associates to a finite ring A the set F(A[]) where A[] denotes the finite ring A[T]/(T2). The morphism A[]A that sends to induces a natural transformation of functors TFF. Now, if F = p is the projective space then Tp(A) consists of equivalence classes of p + 1-tuples
sijskl - siksjl | = | 0 | (1) |
tijskl + tjksil + tkisjl | = | 0 | (2) |