Let [M : R] denote the collection of all in K so that
. M is contained in R. Clearly, d . R is contained
in [M : R]. On the other hand
= [M :
] was shown
above to contain all
that send M into
. The
latter contains R so we see that [M : R] is contained in
. Thus [M : R] is also a lattice. Specifically, we define
CR as
: R].
Armed with this result, we now consider the collection of all lattices
M with the property that R(M) = R for a fixed Gorenstein order
R. This collection of lattices includes R, and CR.
For any such M, the above lemma says that
M . [M : R] = R. If we
define the product of M and N as M . N, then this shows that
we have a group with R playing the role of identity. It is further
clear that M and
. M are naturally isomorphic for any
in K. We may further consider lattices modulo such
isomorphisms. This gives us the class group of invertible
fractional ideals modulo isomorphism which is denoted by
Cl(R). We
noted above that there could be ideals (and fractional ideals) M for
R such that R is a proper subring of R(M). In this case we do
not necessarily have M[M : R] = R; we do not include such M in the
class group. However, since R(M) is an order as well, this situation
cannot arise if R is the maximal order
K. The corresponding
class group is sometimes loosely referred to as the class group of K
and denoted