The interview date for project assistant position is postponed because ongoing situation due to COVID-19 and revised date for the interview will be announced shortly. Any inconvenience caused is regretted
Walk in interview for Project Assistant (PA) in a research project funded by Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance
IISER-Mohali (Department of Biological Sciences) desires to engage PROJECT ASSISTANT on purely temporary basis on contract under the Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance grant at IISER-Mohali.
No. of Positions: 1
Name of Position: Project Assistant (PA)
Essential Qualification: 1st class M.Sc/B.Tech. either in cell biology, immunology, Microbiology, Life Science, Microbiology, Immunology, Biotechnology, and Molecular Biology. Practical research experience in the above-mentioned areas. Prior work experience/hands-on training in performing cloning, yeast-two hybrid screening, cell culture is necessary.
Emoluments: Rs. 25,000-/- + 20% HRA per month
Duration: Initially for 1 year and extendable for 1 more year
How to Apply: Candidates are requested to come for a walk-in-interview with their CV and proof of qualifications on March 24th (Tuesday), 2020 at 11:30 a.m in the office of the principal investigator of the project, Dr. Mahak Sharma (office location -3F7 in Academic Block 2), IISER Mohali. Important information: Please contact the principal investigator via e-mail with a copy of your CV, if you are willing to attend the interview.