Position for Project Assistant (PA) in atmospheric chemistry research project funded by UGC-Israel Research Foundation
IISER-Mohali (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences) desires to engage two PROJECT ASSISTANTS on purely temporary basis under a UGC-Israel sponsored research project at IISER-Mohali.
No. of Positions: 2
Name of Position: Project Assistant
Essential Qualification: MSc in Chemistry with prior experience/hands-on training in field work and trace gas measurements.
Desirable skills: Knowledge of Criegee intermediate chemistry in ambient air, as well as some theoretical background in atmospheric chemistry/ air quality analyses of gaseous pollutants such as ozone and sulphur dioxide are desirable.
Emoluments: As per UGC Rules.
Duration: Initially for approximately 8 months till March 31, 2021 and extendable by additional four months subject to approval of UGC and satisfactory performance.
How to Apply and selection process: Candidates are requested to send their 2 page CVs and a max 2-Page Letter of Motivation stating their suitability for the position based on essential qualification and desirable skills as mentioned above. These have to be submitted by July 17, 2020 5 pm India time through email at