Position for Project Assistant (PA) in atmospheric chemistry research project funded by UGC-Israel Research Foundation

Position for Project Assistant (PA) in atmospheric chemistry research project funded by UGC-Israel Research Foundation


IISER-Mohali (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences) desires to engage two PROJECT ASSISTANTS on purely temporary basis under a UGC-Israel sponsored research project at IISER-Mohali.


No. of Positions: 2


Name of Position: Project Assistant


Essential Qualification: MSc in Chemistry with prior experience/hands-on training in field work and trace gas measurements.

Desirable skills: Knowledge of Criegee intermediate chemistry in ambient air, as well as some theoretical background in atmospheric chemistry/ air quality analyses of gaseous pollutants such as ozone and sulphur dioxide are desirable.


Emoluments: As per UGC Rules.


Duration: Initially for approximately 8 months till March 31, 2021 and extendable by additional four months subject to approval of UGC and satisfactory performance.


How to Apply and selection process: Candidates are requested to send their 2 page CVs and a max 2-Page Letter of Motivation stating their suitability for the position based on essential qualification and desirable skills as mentioned above. These have to be submitted by July 17, 2020 5 pm India time through email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications without the letter of motivation and CV will be not be considered further. After evaluation of applications complete with both CV and letter of motivation, ONLY shortlisted applicants will be contacted for online interviews to be held on July 31, 2020.

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