Online interview for Project Assistant (PA) in a research project funded by under DST-INSPIRE grant

Online interview for Project Assistant (PA) in a research project funded by under DST-INSPIRE grant


Project Title: "Weightless cohomology of algebraic varieties and resolution of singularities" funded by DST-INSPIRE grant.


No. of Positions: 1


Name of Position: Project Assistant (PA)


Essential Qualification: At least a first division in BSc in Mathematics. Prior experience in the study of "resolution of singularities". Qualification of at least one amongst the following examinations: GATE/CSIR-UGC-NET/NBHM-JRF with Mathematics as the primary subject 


Emoluments: Rs. 20,000/- + HRA.


Duration: The position will be initially for six months duration, and will be extended by a further of four months. Note that the initial grant and further extension is subject to requisite approvals by DST.


How to Apply: Please send in your CV and letter of motivation to the principal investigator This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by July 27th 2020. The letter of motivation should be short (maximum one page) and should in particular indicate why the applicant should be considered to have a background or interest in the study of "resolution of singularities". Those shortlisted will be called for an online interview later.

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