Online interview for one Research Associate (RA-1) position under Swarna Jayanti Fellowship project sponsored by SERB

Online interview for one Research Associate (RA-1) position under Swarna Jayanti Fellowship project sponsored by SERB


The Department of Mathematical Sciences at IISER-Mohali desires to engage researchers on a temporary basis under a Swarna Jayanti Fellowship project ‘Knots, Groups and Actions’ sponsored by SERB.


No. of Positions: 01


Name of Position: Research Associate-01


Essential Qualifications: Ph.D. in Mathematics with an interest in transformation groups, knot theory, braid groups or algebraic systems in low dimensional topology.


Work description: Working on the joint project with the principal investigator and participating in teaching activities at the institute.


 Emoluments: Rs. 47,000 + 16% HRA per month


 Duration: 01 Year. Extendable for one more year after review.


How to Apply: Interested candidates are requested to send their detailed CV, list of publications and research statement in a single pdf file to the principal investigator Dr. Mahender Singh at ‘This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.’.


Deadlines: The files should reach the principal investigator by 15 June 2020. Those shortlisted will be interviewed online on 22 June 2020.

Please publish modules in offcanvas position.