Chemistry/Physics/Data Science JRF position available in an Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics focussed Air Pollution research project funded by MOES in the IISER Mohali research group led by Dr. Vinayak Sinha

Chemistry/Physics/Data Science JRF position available in an Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics focussed Air Pollution research project funded by MOES in the IISER Mohali research group led by Dr. Vinayak Sinha

IISER-Mohali (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences) desires to engage two JRFs under the MoES sponsored research project at IISER-Mohali. Last date for applications is 21.03.2022, 5 pm India Standard Time.

No. of Positions: 2

Name of Position: JRF

Essential Qualification: MSc in Physics or Chemistry or Data Science or MTech in Atmospheric Sciences or Physics or Chemistry with 55% Marks or above in BSc and MSc or BS-MS and MTech (if applicable) and 70% Marks or above in 10th and 12th board exams, with any of the following: GATE/ CSIR / UGC as JRF/NET qualified and still valid. Strong basics in physical chemistry and analytical chemistry or atmospheric sciences with knowledge of programming in Python and experience in handling large datasets.

Desirable skills: Prior experience in handling analytical instrumentation such as TD-GC-FID and Mass Spectrometer and knowledge of volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere and aerosol chemistry are desirable. For learning resources you may watch and for atmospheric chemistry basics read material available at:

The project will involve intensive field work in New Delhi and NCR region. The candidate will get to learn and deploy advanced mass spectrometric equipment to characterise gas phase volatile organic compounds and organic compounds in the aerosol phase and analyse data. The candidate will also get to learn and deploy a number of additional complex equipment to measure trace gases and aerosol properties. The candidates should be willing to undertake field work including source sampling near point sources and travelling between Delhi-Mohali.

Emoluments: Rs 31000 per month plus HRA as per rules initially, with provision for SRF Rs 35000 per month after 2 years subject to satisfactory performance

 Duration: Initially for 1 year which can be extended subject to satisfactory performance for up to 4 additional years with the possibility of promotion from JRF to SRF after 2 years subject to satisfactory performance

NOTE: It should be noted that selection for this project JRF does not guarantee selection into the IISER Mohali PhD program and does not result in the award of a degree. Candidates working on a project JRF wishing to obtain a degree must apply for the PhD program separately, qualify the eligibility criteria and must clear the selection process for PhD admissions to register for the PhD program at IISER Mohali.

How to Apply: Candidates are requested to send their detailed CV by 21st March, 2022; 5 pm India time via e-mail highlighting skills appropriate for the position and justifying their eligibility in meeting the essential qualification mentioned above to with subject of email mentioning “Application for JRF positions: RASAGAM”. Applications submitted without following these instructions can be rejected without further consideration.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an online interview.

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