Applications are invited from Indian Nationals to work as Research Associate (RA) in the Femtosecond Laser Lab at IISER Mohali under the STARS project.

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals to work as Research Associate (RA) in the Femtosecond Laser Lab at IISER Mohali under the STARS project.


Post: Research Associate (one position)


        The project demands developing novel experimental methods for 3d printing of protein based bio-materials using ultrafast high-power lasers towards realization of a new class of sensors and devices. The project will also require synthesis of silk-based biomaterials with potential for applications.


Eligibility: The candidate must have a PhD in Physics in the areas related to Lasers and Optics. Additional experience with Ultrafast lasers will be preferred. Candidates who have submitted their thesis are also eligible.


Duration: The initial appointment will be for one year with a possibility for further extensions depending on the satisfactory output and availability of funds.


Salary: As per the Ministry of Human Resources and Development (MHRD) rules.


How to Apply: The application package must contain the following documents: (1)

Cover Letter and CV, (2) Letter of motivation detailing previous experience and research accomplishments, (3) A copy of three best publications.


        The shortlisted candidates will be called for online interview.


E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Last date of application is 10 July, 2020.


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