Applications are invited from Indian Nationals to work as Project Assistant in Femtosecond Laser Lab at IISER Mohali.

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals to work as Project Assistant in Femtosecond Laser Lab at IISER Mohali.


Post: Project Assistant


Eligibility: The candidate must have M. Sc. in Physics with experimental background of lasers and optics.


Nature of work: The major task of the Project Assistant will be to assist in building and testing a high power laser system. A strong experimental background in laser handling, fabrication of high-power electronic circuits and instrumentation design is required. Additional experience in laser-matter interaction or previous experience in laser-building will be preferred.


Duration: The initial appointment will be for six months which can be extended up to one year depending on the satisfactory performance by the candidate and availability of funds.

Salary: Fixed salary of 15,000 INR per month.


How to Apply: Send your CV and a letter of motivation to the mail Below. The shortlisted candidates may be called for online interview, if necessary. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


(mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Last date of application is July 30, 2020.

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