Applications are invited for one research associate (RA-I) position to work in quantum optics and quantum imaging.

Applications are invited for one research associate (RA-I) position to work in quantum optics and quantum imaging.


Job description: The selected candidate will involve in a DST funded Quantum Enabled Science and Technology (QuEST) project in the lab of Dr. Mandip Singh at IISER Mohali as a post.doc. Candidate should be motivated to carry out research in quantum optics, quantum entangled photons experiments and quantum information processing with photons.


Number of positions: 1

Duration: Six months or till the completion of project.


Qualifications: Candidate must have a PhD degree. Experience in optics or quantum optics experiments is a plus point.


Emoluments: Salary will be as per the DST RA-I position. 47000 INR/month + HRA.


Selection criteria: Candidates will be shortlisted based on their CV, motivation level. Do not send a separate cover leter, write it in the email.


Applications should reach to the email:


Last date of submission: 25.06.2023

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