Application for the position of Research Associate (RA) in Quantum contextuality: Its role in quantum computation and QKD protocols.

Application for the position of Research Associate (RA) in Quantum contextuality: Its role in quantum computation and QKD protocols.


Position: Research Associate (RA)


Context:  DST project titled "Quantum contextuality: Its role in quantum computation and QKD protocols"


Qualifications: PhD in the area of Quantum Information or Quantum optics with clearly


Note: If an appropriate candidate with PhD is not found then we may appoint a non-PhD with adequate experience and with NET qualification on a JRF/SRF salary depending upon the experience of the candidate.


Salary: As per DST Normal


Period: 1 Year Extendable


Note 1. Send application by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by June 10, 2020 5:00pm


Note 2.The short listed candidates will be informed regarding the online interview.


Note 3: If an appropriate candidate with PhD is not found then we may appoint a non-PhD with adequate experience and with NET qualification on a JRF/SRF salary depending upon the experience of the candidate.

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