(0172) 229 3152
  • 2017-2022

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow


  • 2010-2016



BIO454 - Neuroscience The course provide introduction to the nervous systems, introduce electrical properties of nerve cells and voltage dependent membrane permeability, synaptic transmission, neurotransmission, plasticity, neurogenesis, neural circuit formation, sensory processing and basics of complex brain functions

BIO212 - Biology Lab IV Course introduce concepts and rigorous quantitative methods of research in Ecology and Behaviour including experimental design, data collection, analysis, interpretation and scientific writing using field and laboratory studies

Current perspectives on brain circuits involved in food addiction-like behaviors 2024, Senol, E., Mohammad, H. Journal of Neural Transmission

The lateral entorhinal cortex is a hub for local and global dysfunction in pre-tauopathy states 2022, Mandino F, Yeow LY, Bi R, Sejin L, Bae HG, Baek SH, Lee C, Mohammad H, Teoh CL, Lee JH, Lai MKP, Jung S, Fu Y, Olivo M, Gigg J, Grandjean J.. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab

A neural circuit for excessive feeding driven by environmental context 2021, Mohammad H*§, Senol E*, Graf M, Lee CY, Li Q, Liu Q, Yeo XY, Wang M, Laskaratos A, Xu F, Luo SX, Jung S, Augustine GJ, Fu Y.§. Nature Neuroscience

A distinct parabrachial to lateral hypothalamus circuit for motivational suppression of feeding by nociception 2021, Phua SC§, Tan YL§, Senol E, Lee CY, Chiam JHC, Peng Y, Mohammad H, Lim JX, Fu Y.§. Science Advances

Impact of JNK and Its Substrates on Dendritic Spine Morphology 2020, Komulainen E, Varidaki A, Kulesskaya N, Mohammad H, Sourander C, Rauvala H, Coffey ET. Cells

Regulation of feeding by somatostatin neurons in the tuberal nucleus 2018, Luo SX*, Huang J*, Li Q*, Mohammad H, Lee CY, Krishna K, Kok AM, Tan YL, Lim JY, Li H, Yeow LY, Sun J, He M, Grandjean J, Sajikumar S, Han W, Fu Y.. Science

JNK1 controls adult hippocampal neurogenesis and imposes cell autonomous control of anxiety behaviour from the neurogenic niche 2016, Mohammad H*, Marchisella F*, Ortega-Martinez S*, Hollos P, Eerola K, Komulainen E, Kulesskaya N, Savontaus E, Rauvala H, Peterson B, van Praag H, and Coffey ET. Molecular Psychiatry

JNK1 controls dendritic field size in L2/3 and L5 of the motor cortex, constrains soma size, and influences fine motor coordination 2014, Komulainen E, Zdrojewska J, Freemantle E, Mohammad H, Kulesskaya N, Deshpande P, Marchisella F, Mysore R, Hollos P, Michelsen KA, Mågard M, Rauvala H, James P and Coffey ET. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience

c-Jun N-terminal kinase phosphorylates MARCKSL1 determines actin stability and migration in neurons and cancer cells 2012, Björkblom B*, Padzik A*, Mohammad H, Westerlund N, Parvianen L, Papageorgiou T, Iljin K, Kallioniemi O, Kallajoki M, Courtney M, and Coffey E. Mol. Cell. Biol

Work Email: hasan[at]iisermohali[dot]ac[dot]in Address: Office 3F1, Academic Block 1, Department of Biological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research, Mohali, Sector 81, Knowledge City, SAS Nagar, Punjab, India