About 60 questions will form the "core" of the course. Assignments, quizzes and mid-sems will be based on these questions only. 20 marks of the end-sem will also be based on these questions. (Note that the test questions will be similar, not necessarily identical to ones distributed!)
Quizzes = 20 marks, Mid-sems = 15 marks End-Sem = 50 marks. Hence, total marks based on 60 questions = 70%. This gives enough opportunity for people who understand the solutions of these problems to get at least a 'C' grade. Those who understand them well can aim higher.
1 quiz in each tutorial based on one assignment question from previous assignment. Each assignment is 5-6 questions. Grading of quiz completed each week. Five best quizzes out of 10 quizzes except as in (4) below.
10 students chosen at random after each quiz to check that they have themselves answered the questions in the quiz and that they understand the answers they have given. If fault is found this quiz will be marked 0 and it will be counted. On the other hand if student has done badly in the quiz but has since then worked out the answer and can explain it, marks will be given.
Bonus marks for star questions. Will only be added for students who are on grade boundary.
The 'F' and 'A' grades are essentially absolute! No one who gets more than 33% will fail, no one who gets less than 75% can expect an 'A' grade. In other words, to get 'A' you must do better than just answer the 60 questions!