Definition 1 A class FiH DR2i(X/k) is said to be an absolute Hodge cycle if for all embeddings : k , I() lies in HB2i(X ,).
On the other hand, such an algebraic cycle has an absolute de Rham class in 2i(X, X/>i). In fact, there is an absolute differential
Remark 2 The existence of the absolute de Rham cycle class is proven in great generality in [10] when X is singular. In fact, this class is convenient to formulate some questions. For example, its injectivity for a surface X over k = would imply Bloch’s conjecture when H2(X,O X) = 0.
At any rate, the existence of motivates the following
Definition 3 A class FiH DR2i(X/k) is said to be an absolute de Rham cycle if it lies in the image of HDR2i(X/) in DR2i(X/k).
We denote by : HDRj(X/k) k/1 kHDRj(X/k) the Gauss-Manin connection for the smooth morphism X Spec k of schemes over Spec .
Proof. The sequence is obviously a complex.
Let k0 k be the field of definition of X. One has X = X0 k0k, where X0 is smooth proper
over k0, and k0 = (S0) for a smooth affine variety S0 over , such that there is a smooth
proper map f0 : X0 S0 with X0 OS
0k0 = X0.
0/k0) is a finite dimensional k0 vector space, any
Remark 5 In fact, even if S is not affine, there is a Leray spectral sequence for the de Rham cohomology [7] (3.3), which again degenerates at E2 by the comparison between the Leray spectral sequences for the Betti and the de Rham cohomologiesi, and the regularity of Gauss-Manin. For more on this, see [8].
Corollary 6 If is an absolute Hodge cycle, then it is an absolute de Rham cycle.
Proof. By [3] (2.5), we know that = 0, where is as in (4) for j = 2i. Then we apply (4).
Corollary 7 If is an absolute de Rham cycle such that I() HB2i(X ,) for some embedding : k , then is an absolute Hodge cycle.
Proof. In fact, this is [3] (2.6). More precisely, choose S as in the proof of 4 and HDR2i(X/S) restricting to . The embeddings (S) k - - define a valued point of S, which we still denote by , such that () H2i((X an),) H2i((X an),). The image () of in
Remark 8 An advantage, if any, to adopt the language of absolute de Rham cycles consists of
dividing the question of wether is absolute Hodge or not into two steps:
First of all must be in
On the other hand, we have seen that if FiH
DR2i(X/k) is the class of an algebraic cycle,
then not only it is an absolute de Rham cycle, but also it is coming from 2i(X,
Let f : X S, FiH
DRj(X/S) = H0(S,Rjf
*X/S>i), such that
(S)k = FiH
as in the proof of 4. Let f : X S be the smooth proper morphism obtained from f by
base change OS , and be . Let f : X S be a compactification of
f such that = S - S, D = f-1() are normal crossing divisors and X is
Definition 9 A class FiH DRj(X/k) is said to be of moderate growth if for some (,f) as above, it verifies
Remark 10 The definition 9 does not depend on the couple (,f) choosen. In fact, take (,g) with g : Y T, (T) k, Y(T)k = X, (T)k = . Then considering in k a function field (U) containing (S) and (T), one has base changes : U S, : U T, fU : XU = X×SU U, gU : YU = Y×T U U, such that there is an isomorphism : XU YU, with gU o = fU, *( OTOU) = OSOU, for U small enough. As fulfills (*) on S, it fulfills (*) on any blow up : U S such that a commutative diagram exists
This implies in particular that classes of moderate growth build a k subvectorspace of FiH DRj(X/k).
Notation 11 We denote this subvectorspace by FiH DRj(X,k)log, and by j(X, X/>i)log its inverse image in j(X, X/>i).
Proof. We have to prove that if Ker, then it lies in the image of j(X, X/>i). With the notations as above,
Thus the spectral sequence degenerates at E2, and comes from j(X, X >i(log D)). In particular comes from j(X, X/>i) and the image of in
Remark 13 If the transcendence degree of k is < 1, then of course the sequence
More generally, one can consider a k subvectorspace V of HDRj(X/k), such that I (V ) is a Hodge substructure of HDRj(X ,). In the light of the above results, one can examine the following questions.
Question 14 Is V stable under the Gauss-Manin connection?
For this, one would like I-1[I (V ) HBj(X ,)] to lie in V and to be independent of .
If so, then V defines a vector bundle W with a flat connection on S, where S is defined as in 4 such that V = W (S)k, W HDRj(X 0/k0) k0(S). Then Wan on San is generated by a local system F.
Question 15 In the above situation, is the monodromy representation associated to F defined over ?
Again, one can split up 14 into two parts as in 8. Moreover, the knowledge of 14 does not imply the knowledge of 15.
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