For any smooth projective variety we can form a countable collection
of projective schemes Hilbn (the Hilbert or Chow schemes) that
parametrise effective cycles of codimension p on X. Let C(X) be
a subgroup of (X). A homomorphism of groups from C(X) to the
group of rational points of a group variety A is called regular
if for any non-singular variety H parametrising cycles on X lying in
C(X), the resulting set maps from the set of rational points on H to the
set of rational points of A is induced by a morphism of varieties.
In analogy with the picture for divisors one may ask the following questions:
There is no general geometric construction of the required Abelian variety. There is a complex torus associated to codimension p cycles, defined by Griffiths, which generalizes the Picard and Albanese varieties. This is called the pth intermediate Jacobian of X, and is defined by
The Griffiths group
(X) is
always countable, since all effective algebraic cycles of a fixed degree
are parametrized by the points of a (possibly reducible) Chow variety
of X; taking the union over all degrees, all effective algebraic
cycles lie in a countble collection of connected algebraic families, so
(X) is countable. Hence if
0 for some i > p, then the Abel-Jacobi map cannot be surjective. The
restriction of the Abel-Jacobi map to
(X) is a regular
homomorphism onto the Abelian variety which is its image; conjecturally,
this is the universal regular homomorphism, as in the case of the Albanese
map. One also expects the Abel-Jacobi map to be injective on torsion, in
general. The injectivity of the Abel-Jacobi map on torsion is known for
codimension 2 cycles, from work of Merkurjev and Suslin on the K-theory of
division algebras, combined with results of Bloch and Ogus; we discuss
this below. The universality of the Abel-Jacobi map on
(X) has
been proved by Murre [27] using the injectivity on torsion.