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3 Divisors on varieties of higher dimension

For the special case of divisors (i.e., $ \CH^{1}_{}$(X)) much of the picture is unchanged from that for curves. To begin with, as we saw above we have an isomorphism $ \Pic$(X) $ \cong$ $ \CH^{1}_{}$(X).

When X is projective one can define an equivalence relation on $ \CH^{1}_{}$(X) as follows. Let C be any smooth curve and D $ \subset$ X×C be a divisor which does not contain any fibre of X×C$ \to$C. For any pair of points p,q on C the divisor D $ \cap$ X×{p} - D $ \cap$ X×{q} can be considered as a divisor on X, which is said to be algebraically equivalent to 0. The quotient of $ \CH^{1}_{}$(X) by this equivalence relation is a finitely generated Abelian group--the Néron-Severi group $ \NS$(X). This gives us a generalisation of the degree homomorphism for curves, namely the quotient map cl : $ \CH^{1}_{}$(X)$ \to$$ \NS$(X).

Upto torsion this equivalence relation can also be defined using intersection theory. We define a divisor D to be numerically equivalent to zero if the intersection number (D . C) = 0 for every curve C contained in X. Then one knows that some multiple of D is in fact algebraically equivalent to 0. Conversely, if a divisor D is algebraically equivalent to 0 then it is also numerically equivalent to 0. In case the ground field is $ \Bbb$C then we can also identify algebraic equivalence with homological equivalence: i.e., a divisor is algebraically equivalent to 0 precisely if it lies in the kernel of the cycle class map $ \CH^{1}_{}$(X)$ \to$$ \HH^{2}_{}$(X,$ \Bbb$Z).

In particular, deg(ch(L) . td (X))n depends only on the class cl (L) of L in $ \NS$(X). The Grothendieck-Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch theorem then actually gives a method for computing $ \chi$(X, L) in terms of the class cl (L) in $ \NS$(X). However, the exact formula dimk$ \HH^{0}_{}$(X,$ \cal {O}$X(D)) = deg D + 1 - g, valid for divisors of large degree on a curve of genus g, has only a partial generalisation to higher dimensions: if D is an ample divisor, then the Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem gives a formula for dimk$ \HH^{0}_{}$(X,$ \cal {O}$X(mD)) for large m, since $ \HH^{i}_{}$(X,$ \cal {O}$X(mD)) = 0 for i > 0 (by Serre's vanishing theorem), and so

dimk$\displaystyle \HH^{0}_{}$(X,$\displaystyle \cal {O}$X(mD)) = $\displaystyle \chi$($\displaystyle \cal {O}$X(mD)) = deg(ch(L)td (X))n  .

For effective divisors D on a surface, the general case was studied by Zariski[43], and its solution is completed in [11], where a similar problem is posed for suitable divisors on varieties of dimension $ \geq$ 3.

The collection of all effective divisors on X corresponding to a fixed class c in $ \NS$(X) form a projective scheme Hilbc(X). Also, in analogy with the case for curves, the kernel A1(X) of the morphism $ \CH^{1}_{}$(X)$ \to$$ \NS$(X) is also naturally isomorphic to (the group of k-rational points of) an Abelian variety, the Picard variety $ \Pic^{0}_{}$(X). Fixing one divisor C in the class c we obtain a natural morphism Hilbc(X)$ \to$$ \Pic^{0}_{}$(X), the Abel-Jacobi morphism. The fibres of this morphism precisely consist of effective divisors corresponding to a fixed class in $ \CH^{1}_{}$(X). As in the case of curves, one can show that for a ``sufficiently large'' multiple of an ample class c the morphism Hilbm . c$ \to$$ \Pic^{0}_{}$(X) is surjective.

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Kapil Hari Paranjape 2002-11-21