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10 Symmetric Cryptosystems

First we formulate a general (deterministic) cryptosystem. Let M denote the set of all possible message chunks, let C denote the corresponding set of all cipher-text chunks. Let P be the set of all possible public keys and S the set of all possible secret keys. A general cryptosystem can be thought of as a pair of maps: the encryption map E : M×P$ \to$C and the decryption map D : C×S$ \to$M. In addition we need an assignment map a : P$ \to$S. The condition these maps must satisfy is that for each p $ \in$ P the map Da(p)oEp : M$ \to$M must be identity. In a symmetric-key system the map a is the identity; in other words there is a single key space K = P = S for encryption as well as decryption. In modern use such systems are used in contexts where the operations must be very rapid. Thus it is also customary to assume that M and C are of roughly the same size; for simplicity let us say V = M = C. Thus a symmetric-key system can be modelled as E : V×K$ \to$V and D : V×K$ \to$V. It follows then that for each key k we obtain a permutation of the set V. Thus one naive approach would be to take K to be the collection of all permutations of V. However, we need to ensure that K is somewhat smaller than M as it would be rather pointless to exchange large length keys in order to exchange short messages! Secondly it is also clear that permutations that are of small order are risky as these patterns could be spotted. More generally, it is also a bad idea for K to be a subgroup of the permutation group as group theoretic relations between different keys could be used to attack the cryptosystem. A symmetric key cryptosystem thus attempts to obtain a ``good'' selection K of permutations of the set V.

To summarise, a symmetric-key cryptosystem consists of a map K$ \to$Perm(V) from a set K of size less than the size of V to the permutation group of V.

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Kapil Hari Paranjape 2002-10-20