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0VWU0 is an exact sequence of vector space
schemes over a scheme X and if YX is a morphism then the
pull-back sequence of vector space schemes
is not in general exact. We say that YX is flat if
this is so. However, if V is a vector bundle then the pull back
sequence of vector space schemes is exact regardless of the
nature of the morphism YX. Thus we have a homomorphism
K0(X)K0(Y) for any morphism YX and a homomorphism
G0(X)G0(Y) when YX is flat. An important property of
tensor products is that the homomorphism
K0(X)K0(Y) is a ring
homomorphism and when XY is flat the homomorphism
G0(X)G0(Y) is a homomorphism of K0(X) modules.
Now, let X be a closed subscheme of
Z = n×Y. We want to
construct a homomorphism
G0(X)G0(Y). This can be done in two
steps (provided we prove that the construction is independent of the
factorisation). The first step is to consider a vector space scheme on
X as a vector space scheme on Z (of which it is a closed
subscheme). We have already seen how to do this by ``extending by
zero''; it is moreover clear that this preserves exact sequences. Thus
we obtain a natural homomorphism
Hilbert's syzygy theorem can be used to describe
in terms of G0(Y) as follows. For any integer n we have a line
bundle Hn on
n as described above; let W be any vector
space scheme on Y. We have a vector space scheme
Hk W
n×Y obtained as
Let V be any vector space scheme on
n×Y, the syzygy
theorem asserts that there is a a sequence of positive integers k0,
..., kn and a sequence of vector space schemes Wn on Y which
fit into an exact sequence
G0(n×Y is generated by G0(Y) as a module over
K0(n). Moreover, to define the homomorphism
G0(n×YG0(Y) it is enough to define the image of terms of the form
Hk W (and check for consistency).
Consider the exact sequence which was introduced above
By tensoring this with W and Hk - 1 we get an exact sequence on
This allows us to write the class of
Hk W in
G0(n×Y as
Hk W] = [
Hk - 1 W] - [
Hk - 1|
n - 1 W]
The second term on the right hand side can be thought of as an element
G0(n - 1×Y). By induction we can thus reduce the
problem of defining the image of
[Hk W] in G0(Y) to
that of defining the image of
[(1×m) W].
The image of the latter is just [W]. The consistency of this
definition can be checked by the theory of ``cohomology'' and higher
direct images. Thus we have a homomorphism
G0(n×Y)G0(Y) and more generally for any closed subscheme X of
n×Y we have
Now let X be a projective scheme (i. e. a closed subscheme of
n), and let Y be any scheme. Let
Z X×Y be a
correspondence from X to Y (i. e. Z is a closed subscheme of
X×Y). We obtain a homomorphism
additionally, when ZX is flat we obtain a homomorphism
G0(X)G0(Z). By using the sequence of closed inclusions
Z X×Y n×Y we also have a homomorphism
G0(Z)G0(Y). Thus we see that for any correspondence from a
projective scheme X to a scheme Y we obtain a homomorphism
K0(X)G0(Y) and when the correspondence is flat over X we get
a homomorphism
G0(X)G0(Y). In particular, correspondences from
a regular scheme X to itself act as automorphisms of
G0(X) = K0(X). This is a very useful tool in analysing the structure
of K0(X) for such schemes.
Next: 8.8 Cryptosystems
Up: 8 Algebraic Schemes for
Previous: 8.6 Vector Bundles and
Kapil Hari Paranjape