One question is how the triple (N, p, s) is chosen. Clearly, if M is
the order of the group of units in
, then one way to
recover s given p is by the relation
ps = 1(mod M). Thus, one
consideration is that given only N and p it should not be easy to
determine M (or else s is not secret at all!). Clearly, if a
complete factorisation of N is known then this M can be easily
determined. However, note that if k is the exponent of the
group of units in
(i. e. the least common multiple of
the order of all elements) then it is enough to know k rather than
M, since solving
ps = 1(mod k) is adequate.
A related consideration is that there should not be too many elements
which are not units. The encrypter/decrypter
should not have to worry about checking for this while constructing
Both these considerations lead us to take for N = ab a product of two
large primes a and b (we will see some additional constraints on
the pair (a, b) as we go along). It is generally expected (and in the
next section we will see some evidence of this) that factoring a
number which has all factors of size (in terms of ``log'') r
or more is much harder than checking that a number of size r is
prime. Thus, it should be easier to construct key triples than it is
to ``break'' keys (by determining s given N and p). Note that
M = (p - 1)(q - 1) in this case and in general there does not seem to be a
way to determine M (or the exponent k for that matter) without
determining a factoring of N. The only elements m in
that are not units are p and q, thus this choice is also good from
this point of view.